Trannies are not progressive

The entire goal of progressivism is to develop a society where humans from all walks of life are equally respected. Transgenderism is the opposite of this. It says that if you are an effeminate male then you were born flawed, and you can only "correct" that flaw by mutilating your body and endocrine system and acting like a stereotypical woman. It is the total opposite of progressive politics. It wears the skin of progress but actually all of its ideas from body mutilation to dysphoria to concepts of masculinity and femininity are horrendously regressive.

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The word you're looking for is "egalitarian"

>effeminate male

that's not at all what being a troon is about lmfao, you need to read more into it dipshit

Attached: questioned.jpg (256x256, 13.14K)

You're kinda right
Mtf trannies essentialize gender and try to mimic female stereotypes to fit in

wtf trannies are based???
Moids are bad, getting rid of them is good.

No the word I'm looking for is Progressive. Trannies are not progressive. They are a regressive culture of fetishised Eunuchery.

The real progressives are the hons that say that hrt/ffs/srs are transphobic

>It says that if you are an effeminate male then you were born flawed, and you can only "correct" that flaw by mutilating your body and endocrine system and acting like a stereotypical woman.

Get a load of this retard

>fem mtf

>butch transbian
>eww, disgusting, youre not even trying to be a woman. and you like women, pervert.

Making trannies, who are only 1% of the population mind, responsible for gender abolition is fucking retarded.

Maybe. But a world with transgenderism in charge is better than the bland world envisioned by "progressives".

>be twink
>/tttt/ people and their allies tell me I like good
>start showing signs of masculinisation
>they all tell me I look shit
>tell me to shave, every day if necessary
>tell me I should get on E, T is poison, only cuteboys are valid and wanted
>tell you should just become straight or top if you won't feminize yourself
>feel like shit, don't know which way to go
>fighting against my own nature just seems so counter productive idea
>realize that I only feel shit while I am around these people
>feel perfectly fine irl presenting """masc""" (I'm not even masc I'm just a guy holy fuck)
Well they managed to make me feel sick and dependant. And I don't think that I am the only one.

They are most probably at 5% now, and they have a lot of social capital because leftists put them on a pedestal

They are not at 5% lol. It's just that when people get trannies or transition rent free in their head they start going all confirmation bias and remembering every single trans person they see.

We don't have latest demographic stats. They'll be 5% now.

Progressivism is retarded

>its another if you wanna be a girl why not just wear a dress no need for these silly hormones :3

define progressivism and let's see who exactly is the retard

How about you just stop fetishizing womanhood and accept that you're a faggot.

I have no problem being called a faggot but I'm still gonna take the hormones.

How about not getting butthurt about other people's body autonomy, faggot?

Nice autonomy being dependant on the big pharma. I bet you're also a free thinking communist.

'Forcing people to live as their agab is progressive, even if suspects suffer due to it.'
~you, aparently

>Trannies are not progressive
And that's a good thing.

Why does taking hormones automatically mean you fetishize womanhood? Why is it inherently bad that I feel better having mammary glands?

- I depend on small chinese pharma, thankyouverymuch
- every aspect of your life depends on some industry or government agency. Without them most people would live like animals and die in their 20s. The fact that my body autonomy aligns with someone else's interest doesn't detract from my inherent right to use this autonomy.