Be me, hunting chaser bf

>be me, hunting chaser bf
>meet new chaser
>we chat
>find out he still lives with his mom
Guys, I get that moving out into the world is hard and scary. But I'm a tranner, the world is rougher for me than it is for moids and I live on my own at 21. Is it too much to ask to find a chaser my age who isn't still living in his mom's basement?

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I basically have but you'll never take my injections user

I'm 23 and moved out at 19

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no, that's perfectly reasonable. if you're self-sufficient and live on your own you should expect your boyfriend of your age or above to also live on their own. this is kind of a basic requirement most adult women reasonably have

well whats your age

What's up babe, I'm 30 and have my house all to myself (which my dad bought for me since he's rich and I'm too autistic to work)
How about you come over and we build k'nex sets

Post selfie you butt

i met a chaser who lived with his parents and took him in, he's going to school to b a welder and im very happy for him :3

he's my ideal man besides the initial living with his parents but i saw part that and we are working to build something together now, it's really cozy. even if he broke up with me tomorrow i would be glad i was able to help him transition into being in the world by himself

i guess what I'm saying is that nobody is perfect and good relationships are built on compromise not expectations. no man is perfect. if you're not willing to invest in a flawed human being who is willing to love you, you will never find love because everyone is flawed.

Op isn't self sufficient. Renting a room with several room mates is not self sufficiency. Cashing a monthly welfare check is not self sufficiency.

Self sufficiency is owning your own land. Its working for yourself. If you worry about being fired and not having enough money to pay your landlord you are not self sufficient. Living pay check to pay check is total parasitism and pure dependence.

Seems we all have different opinions.


> owning your own land
not a thing in the states

>what I really want in a man is someone who has no ties with his family, and who irrationally blows all his money on rent (when free room.and board is available) so that if we were to combine our finances, the two of us wouldn't be able to build any wealth together.

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I love my folks but idk if I could live with them.
I'd settle for living NEAR them.

it's a retarded financial move to get your own place. and if i'm going to live with roommates to cut the price of rent, why wouldn't i just live with someone who i know will clean up after themselves and not suddenly leave forcing me to pay their share aka my mom. i'll move out if i find someone worth moving in with. this is assuming you have good parent[s] though, sometimes you gotta gtfo

nah. you really need to live with adults you're not related to.
there are skills you can't build with blood.

>>find out he still lives with his mom
OP you're fucking retarded.

nta but I can't stand that anymore
I'm 30 now and I refuse to have roommates it's so annoying

i'll build them with the person i love. i have decent housekeeping skills already, what skills are you talking about

i meant as soon as you can, and that it's necessary to get away from your family to a certain extent to grow.
by your age you should hopefully have the means to support yourself :S

Most people close to my age around me still have roommates, rent and property are just that unaffordable in the US. It's just something that's important to me that I have my own space.

mostly conflict resolution within a shared living environment.
even if none of your roommates are shut-ins, living with people for months let alone years can let a lot of resentment accumulate.
trying it for the first time with someone you didn't grow up with might go badly.

ofc. glad it worked out for you.

look for older dudes that have their shit together

do you have any idea what the housing economy is like in actual populated areas? we're poor as fuck lmao I ain't got a choice

You don't know shit about me lol. I live in a studio alone and work full time.

I would be ok with a guy living with roommates or getting help from welfare too. I just don't wanna date a man who gets every meal from his mom warming up chicken tenders

I live with parents since I'm in uni and don't have any want/need to throw tens of thousands in the trash.

You know going to college is a thing right?

i lived with my childhood friend for college if that counts. and my uncle + a stranger for one semester. if you're around someone long enough you get a sense for how they live and what you're getting into if you decide to live with them

Hmm. I think that, as long as you're using your parents place to help your savings, there's nothing wrong with living with your parents. If you're doing it because you're lazy, then there's a problem, but if you're being practical and saving, then it's nothing but a smart choice.

Btw, why are cis men the only ones on the hook for this? Non-cis-men get off way easier in society's eyes for this behaviour.

i live with my mom sure but i buy my own groceries, cook my meals, do my laundry, etc. my mom is my roommate