Timeline thread post timelines

Timeline thread post timelines

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dont wanna be mean, so im not gonna be mean. simple as.

everything bad no make money on the streets

>cropping her toes

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one hair implant and a forehead reconstruction surgery by Facial Team can fix her completely

ywnbaw barrowman

you are a special kind of sick in the head and I appreciate you for that

yeah I'm sure she got a rhinoplasty to get a longer hooked nose

3 yrs hrt + mascara/lipstick

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Isn't that Sara Borealis lol

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I am a boymoder. Nice to meet you all! Right pic is October 2021 pre-hrt. Left pic is May 2022. 6 months on low dose hrt. Started higher dose right after left pic was taken.

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man to twink

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Attached: before_after_3.jpg (1053x870, 836.51K)

What happened. You looked more like a woman in the first pic.

It's a ftm "crossdressing" to look like a hon as much as possible with a bad wig and makeup as a joke

He could do his shit up properly and pass as cis female again in 2 seconds flat with his foid genetics and bone structure but that would be mega dysphoria enduring I guess.

Better to be lol look I don't pass as a girl anymore *wink* * wink*

Oops started higher dose hrt after the RIGHT picture was taken.

I mean I get it even as mtf

lmfao get of load of this one. fake af

>fake af