It's fucking over boymoderbros we have to start girlmoding now

It's fucking over boymoderbros we have to start girlmoding now

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The boymoder is a girlmoder now

i don't pass tho.

but why do tey have to tho

All for one one for all

I'm not girlmoding until all my facial hair, my beard shadow and most of my upper body muscle is gone

b-b-but but Bo is like my idol

w-why is she g-girlmoding i don't understand

Attached: cry.png (259x228, 7.77K)

just try and make me

It can’t be… LIAR

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but i'm not ready to girlmode i look like a guy i'm only like 2 months on E ok it's not fair

Attached: cut it out cut it out cut it out.png (455x599, 20.36K)

This is NOT canon to boymoder lore

yes it is

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CLEARLY a different shirt!!!!! Not the same continuity!!!!

la la la i'm not listening i'm not girlmoding i'm not girlmoding i'm not girlmoding

Attached: hold up HOLD UP.png (416x358, 15.78K)

It's okay we can simply deny reality to be safe

You will girlmode eventually

Dumb girlmoder(formerly boymoder)

stop lying!!!
boymoding is way too comfy im gonna be like this forever ^^

You will be a girlmoder in exactly 8 months

you are WRONG WRONG!!!
boymoding is way too comfy and girlmoding is too scary and out of reach, i don't want to do it at all