Why are passoids so fucking evil?

why are passoids so fucking evil?
>talking to youngshit passoid “friend”
>tells me passing is all effort and that im just lazy
>meanwhile ive been on hrt for half a decade, post-ffs, and still never malefailed even once
>proceeds to insult me and continues to tell me that i need to put in effort because it worked for her
idgi, is it lack of empathy or just straight up malice? like do they want hons to commit suicide or something? or do they genuinely believe luck is equivalent to effort?

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They genuinely believe luck is equivalent to effort AND are malicious

People who have "made it" lack empathy and think they got to where they are through hard work and not luck/circumstances. It's the same reason why rich people think they got to where they are through hard work when they were born into a wealthy family with connections.
I have a passing voice but I'm self aware enough to know that 95% of the reason it passes is cause testosterone didn't totally rape my voice during puberty.

well i mean what age did you start at? if you didn't put in the effort to become a youngshit i mean that's kinda on you a little. don't blame others for your personal failings

but she’s not even some rightoid or anything. she’s extremely left wing and when i asked her if people can just effort themselves out of poverty, she said thats not true and that its “different”. why bootstraps for passing then?

Most humans lack total self-awareness and are suffering from Just World fallacy.

>>meanwhile ive been on hrt for half a decade, post-ffs, and still never malefailed even once
What about voice training? lmao
Voice is everything. If you sound like a woman but have a masculine face people will still just assume you're a woman with a masculine voice. If you sound masculine then no matter how feminine you look you'll still be seen as a man.
I started training my voice when I was 16, and already passed before I started HRT at 18.
Try harder.

maybe she thinks its rude to give it to you straight so she uses that so that u dont lose hope

People who have "made it" lack empathy and think they got to where they are through hard work and not luck/circumstances. It's the same reason why rich people think they got to where they are through hard work when they were born into a wealthy family with connections.
well said desu
>I have a passing voice but I'm self aware enough to know that 95% of the reason it passes is cause testosterone didn't totally rape my voice during puberty.
thank you for saying this. its another thing she would shame me about (just voice train! it worked for me! big dog small dog lol!!!) despite the fact that i already sounded like a middle aged man when i was 15. people would regularly confuse me on the phone for my dad lol
idgi why people don’t understand that everyone has different starting points. why is it my fault for having a deep masc voice instead of starting early enough to avoid getting fucked by T?

lmfao this reads like something she would say.
and yeah i started way past the point where its over (unless ofc ur one of those v lucky lateshits who never got raped by T for whatever reason)
i should honestly just kms to save real trans people the trauma of being associated with freaks like me

OP's friend has joined the chat.

>I started training my voice when I was 16, and already passed before I started HRT at 18.
>Try harder.
like pottery

>no twinkhon to bone to clear her mind every time evil passoids come up

desu this is what i actually suspect, but imo its better to just tell people if its over. its cruel to give false hope.

its probably a shitpost or an obvious troll. nobody lacks that much self awareness.

sadly im a regular hon and not a twinkhon

>i should honestly just kms to save real trans people the trauma of being associated with freaks like me
please don't joke about that user. there is no point where it's over, you just have to put more effort in. and it sucks that you didn't choose to start early and i'm sorry that you messed that up, but i mean what can you do. you'll pass one day if you put enough work in, i know you can

>sadly im a regular hon and not a twinkhon

you can be a leftoid and still be an unaware hypocrite

trust me, its bad lol. i was a complete gigahon pre-ffs. now i just look like a soft man.

>yeah it's your fault for not passing, sorry hon
>okay then i'll kms
>NOOOO wait don't kys you're not a hon don't give up

You can never trust tranners their word

im not bdd, im just legit unfortunate looking. even my ex said that :c
the bdd ones are going around posting 20 selfies a thread calling themselves hons.

>there is no point where it's over
Yes there is. Just because we cannot find the precise moment in a person's timeline we could call the point of no return doesn't mean it doesn't exist. People know when their lives are over, then it becomes a question of whether or not they want to spare the feelings of others and let the universe kill them instead of doing it themselves.

If you had an ex it can't be that bad

he was really nice and willing to look past my appearance. i miss him a lot.

Nta, but you can have an ex or even a partner and not pass. Not passing doesn't mean you're ugly, it just means you don't look like a woman. Like, in my case I still date gay men despite being over 2y on HRT.

>gay men
I mean not closeted fags. Not "straights", not bis, but proper goldstars.

I'm sorry to hear that user. Heartbreak is rough.

While passing means more personally, being attractive is more important to everyone around you.