How do I get the confidence to post like this?

How do I get the confidence to post like this?

Attached: 1470F68B-4426-4306-8B14-E6812E698904.jpg (828x1138, 452.12K)

acquire face blindness

wdym? she looks cute to me

Yeesh that Horse face

but she passes?

In what universe? Lol



>these fat balls under the lips
Side profile definitely doesn’t pass

shes a hot slut but shes one of those psycho trannies who wants to cut their dick off. would drunk fuck and never speak to her again.

Attached: sigmoid.jpg (498x461, 16.48K)

you need to touch grass

My ghoul collection is huge.

Attached: 0E73C4E9-FFE8-4BD0-82C7-03077A2BCDD4.jpg (1024x826, 165.31K)

Be a passoid

Have some sort of bipolar type mental illness in which you constantly flip flop between extreme depression hating everything about yourself and wanting to die and narcissistic mania thinking you're the hottest shit to ever exist

tldr mental illness

Got any noods?

She doesn’t post nudes and seems very sex repulsed. This is the most she’s ever posted.

Attached: 3404402E-85C9-40AD-B148-C600E4020BED.jpg (405x870, 84.7K)

she's super pretty and makes my chaser heart go doki-doki

Really nice ass.

>seems very sex repulsed

nobody sex repulsed wears panties like that. she's anticipating someone taking those off her. she's a slut for sure. probably daydreams about getting raped.

touch grass asian bone autist rat

Is this common? That describes me an eerie extent. What is wrong with me

nah she's genuinely sex-repulsed and seems borderline-asexual

nah wanting to look sexy and wanting to actually have sex with other people are completely separate things

>Is this common?
nta but for tranner, it's kind of common

Is there something I can take to treat it? It is making my life hell