Orchi Women

As a cis male chaser why is it so hard to find a woman with a nutless sack? I would figure having an orchiectomy would help prevent cancer and accelerate transition by cutting out a large contributor to testosterone. Why aren’t more MtF getting the chop?

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i'm too squeamish and also sometimes i cum like
just a little bit of liquid and it's kinda cute in weird way am i weird

Bad for SRS and the ones who arent bottom dysphoric but are dysphoric about their balls tend to be transbians

I'm getting my balls removed but I'm not an mtf.

Based Eunuch

hard to access and pay for probably (or perceived as such which comes to the same thing in one's decision making process). also many want srs and putting scars in tissue that is going to be used for that is risky. also most have adequately suppressed testosterone so aren't terribly worried and all humans like to pretend cancer isn't as scary as it is.

honestly I see the reverse people get the balls removed then six months later have srs and I can't figure out why.

Because if you have severe bottom dysphoria you're probably going to want full bottom surgery, and a prior nut removal makes that more complex.
And well if you don't have severe bottom dysphoria, why have surgery at all?

I got my balls removed, am not MtF and am totally, definitely not a transbean.

Kinda regret it though. Sex feels less good now and the balls aesthetic was good.

i got orchi a couple years before srs and yeah it was pretty nice in most ways. not the most aesthetic tho. sorry you missed the window when I could have been your empty sack eunuch queen

I need to get some more topical T to make my prostate big again :( can't really cum hands free anymore reee

Why do people claim orchi is bad for srs? Does the sack skin start tightening and eventually becomes flat or what?

Just personal experience, but I have basically no give in that tissue anymore. When I first got it done, it was an empty sac but now it's just smooth with a few creases

Hot, what was the shrinkage like?

don't want to jump through the insurance preauthorization hoops. there's an informed consent urologist in detroit who'll do it clean 4k, that's my plan next year.

can't they put in prosthetics so it still looks like u have balls?

Great. I have no idea how big my sac has become but I hope for smoothness eventually. :)

Did you use any cream to help the area tighten?

They can, and do. It's advisable if you think you might get srs later.

Idk, I never had really big balls? But went from having enough room to store a couple of gumballs to just being flush with the surrounding skin.

Probably, but I'm not going to spend money on that. Much easier to shave now on the plus side.


Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?

>the ones who arent bottom dysphoric but are dysphoric about their balls tend to be transbians
Wtf is this really a thing? Why?
t. Transbian that got orchi and definitely had more dysphoria about my balls than my dick

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Idk, I had more ball dysphoria too, but it was centered around the worry that they'd make me re-masculinize if I lost access to HRT sometime in the future. I like my dick since dude like my dick.