Jordon Peterson Compares Top Surgery to Nazi Experiments

Jordan Peterson googled top surgery and realized it wasn't illegal. So he doubles down and compares adults consenting to get gender affirming surgery to Nazi medical experiments - not technically illegal, just a crime against humanity.
>He's going full Glinner

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He also talked about trans kids being like child sacrifice. He's going full retard

hey just because he's a crypto-TERF doesn't mean you get to make fun of him

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He's not a terf because he's anti-feminist, he's just a run of the mill Christian reactionary


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Nah. He just needs to diversify his income stream now that the incel market is drying up.

I do not care if being trans is a mental illness or not, transition is the ONLY proven treatment option that alleviates gender dysphoria regardless of how you want to categories it. When people advocate for the removal of that treatment, they're doing so know that there is NOTHING as effective to replace it because having positive patient outcomes isn't the goal, hurting trans people is.
That's what Peterson is advocating for, unevidence treatments that have been shown time and time again not to work in place of a treatment with a higher success rathe than 90% of modern medicine, all because he personally doesn't like the thought of it due to his broken and small ideology.

Wait a minute, if a guy had gyno and had surgery to take his breast off nobody would give a shit and it wouldn’t be called “mutilation” so why is it different when a trans person does it?

“i went through the wrong puberty” is not the same as “i am in the wrong body”, and is not something that only trans people experience. development is very complicated and involves many interconnected processes that can go wrong. transsexualism is a physiological condition with a psychological diagnosis and requires a physiological medication to relieve symptoms. this does not mean people are exempt from having mental illness or extremely ugly from transitioning late. it just means that the basic premise of transsexualism is scientifically valid and everything after that point is a social issue. (access to medication, barriers to entry, public perception, regulation, etc)

because cis people are good and natural and trannies are subhuman demons in his eyes

the correct opinion

nazis are the ones who stopped these kinds of surgeries from happening.
Peterson is a moron

Does our sweet Joe understand this? Does he know what they are doing to him is Nazi Experimentation...? Terje?

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nazis were the result of unchecked hedonism of the Weimar Republic. Newton's third law.

Males to not have breasts. Men are not supposed to have gyno. Gyno removal surgery improves the appearance and health of a male.

Cutting the breasts off a healthy female because she spent too much time on tiktok and tumblr is batshit crazy. Breasts they will never be able to get back by the way, and they'll be left with ridiculous scars where their breasts once were.

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I dont think you have enough evidence to say transsexualism is a physiological condition. Even if it is, youre competing against people that believe its not a condition, its not a medical issue at all, its just a social thing and anyone can be anything at anytime cause their feelings are valid. Thats the side that gets the most attention. Dont be mad nobody takes you seriously when you have attention seeking retards in your midst.

the majority who consent to the procedure aren’t really female and removing breasts improves their appearance as a healthy male

>in your midst

>I dont think you have enough evidence to say transsexualism is a physiological condition.
there is more evidence suggesting that it is than suggests it isn’t. sure we can’t run a simple test with an appropriate accuracy but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a bodily cause (even if we did have a test i doubt they would be allowed to be used, since lots of trans people aren’t actually transsexual they just go through it for other reasons)

>Even if it is, youre competing against people that believe its not a condition, its not a medical issue at all, its just a social thing and anyone can be anything at anytime cause their feelings are valid.
yeah that’s ridiculous and i do not agree or support those people. unfortunately they’re the majority now, so the reasonable trans people have to try their best to stay invisible

>Thats the side that gets the most attention. Dont be mad nobody takes you seriously when you have attention seeking retards in your midst
yeah i know you’re right. this is why i have suggested the trans umbrella should be split up. we should call people who aren’t true transsexuals gender queer. transsexuals take their medication and live normal lives. gender queer people try to change society to fit themselves

Yes a giant fucking scar across your chest and the absence of nipples is what a perfectly health male looks like. Listen I like Berserk too but these ladies are taking their cosplay a bit too far.

a giant scar is better than big sacks of flesh to them. and they are consenting to live in a body they are most comfortable with. you have no right to control what happens to other peoples bodies. there are people who tattoo every inch of themselves, or get piercings everywhere, or tattoo their eyeballs, or want to be cyborgs. and you’re going to get mad at a consenting adult appearing more male like he always wanted? get a life really