How is modern American conservatism real

how is modern American conservatism real

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thats factual though. yall groomers. just see this board.

Indoctrination since early childhood mostly.

Prepper culture but on a social scale

Paranoia of a threat looming on the horizon, constantly enroaching on everything they love to the point of obsession

okay, is the Baymax thing legit a very subtle false flag? I mean no reasonable person would react in the way conservatives are, but Disney probably knew they would react that way. like is it legit for clicks? it seems to be ignorant of the fact that trans men actively avoid having periods and don't like to be reminded that they do/did have periods, so I don't trust it. idk what's going on with Elmo but Muppets are also owned by Disney

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The internet allows the dumbest people in the history of the world to cultivate media environments where people tell them exactly what they want to hear.
You literally support pedophilia though

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Strongly religious people have always believed that the end of the world is nigh, so it precedes the advent of modern prepper culture.

leaded gasoline

Yeah, it's definitely an element but even secular modern right wing paranoia has it's roots in Obama FEMA camp shit and Tea party politics

living in mcmansions doing nothing all day except browsing facebook and sharing conspiracy theories with other isolated boomers who couldn't tell you what year it is

you know theres aspects to being a conservative that aren't culture war garbage??? just like being left wing.

is there a versoin of this without animes painted ontop?thx owo

grooming? kinda like when i was raised by christians and had to read a bible where they normalized killing gay people and all other kinds of horrific shit and made me afraid of going to hell? damn that must suck

Yes there is.

yes, but you'll have to settle for a caption
don't ever say us conservatives never did nothing for y'all

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DAMN based. I like it when companies signal wokeness, it legit destigmatizes the natural fear of others humans possess and is best started really. Good moral to spread and ironic coming from Disney considering how racist he was lol

think motherfucker think
>it seems like elmo saying gay shit is allowed and teachers occasionally mentioning gay shit is taking up an inordinate amount of political attention on both sides
>it seems like other trivial bullshit is taking up an inoordinate amount of political attention

it's just a distraction cause they can't/don't want to do anything else

Ah yes, the economic agenda of conservatism! A program of handouts for big business, slashing every labor protection, and polluting everything so that the average schlub lives in and breathes toxic trash. Or perhaps you were referring to the foreign policy of conservatism, i.e. clinging to the delusion of perpetual American hegemony, wasting trillions of dollars and millions of lives invading smaller countries to line the pockets of rich plutocrats, and cynically pretending to be against outsourcing and free trade while promoting both behind the scenes? Sorry but unless you’re rich being a conservative is a mark of either sociopathy or complete stupidity.

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fuck off you're not touching my guns

>all that
>stupid simpsons meme
btw i was redpilled by being surrounded by retards in college who defended the illegal immigrant caravsn that threw rocks at police and unironically discussed how they hate white people at parties. there's lots of quiet people who have drifted towards conservatism due to experiencing dumbass culturewar spergery from the left for years.
thanks king

can't i just have a little squeeze ?? ;) i'll try my best not to shoot but sometimes i get excited