Tfw they got rid of the flags

>Tfw they got rid of the flags

Attached: drstrange-cry.gif (640x536, 3.5M)

I fucking miss them bros

Attached: LGBT_pride_flags.png (1998x1984, 43.85K)

Jeez calm down dude.

It's only been a few hours.

how to stop falling in love with all of my male friends holy shit
they’re not even nice to me

Attached: FB82558D-DBD3-4479-9066-7101544701EB.jpg (554x584, 71.86K)


Get a bf who is into you and make female friends

Oh or gay male friends, they are also a safe bet

we already knew this would happen

just wait til next year ya silly goose

It's April Fool's all over again...

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Why remove them? Uncalled for >:( pol gets to keep their flags



how on earth will i signal i'm AAP?

We riot

Im sorry it had to be this way AAPbro...

It is over.

I liked the flags :(


Attached: Screen_Shot_2022_05_05_at_12.39.06_PM.jpg (1400x1050, 179.5K)

big sad

really doesn't make sense to get rid of them imo

We should protest till we get them back