How fucked are US tranners

Will we need to leave the country?

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I'd move to a blue state near Canada. If LGBT rights are stomped on in blue states, it'll be on a federal level, in which case Canada might give asylum to those who are LGBT.

>I'd move to a blue state near Canada

Ah yes the 95% white states near Canada

PNW and Minnesota mainly

move innawoods and kaczynski mode
they can't discriminate against you if they can't find you

Yes, whites are far safer to be around

i keep seeing all these studys about how young people wanna lynch trannys or whatever, but my real life experience is only boomers care for the most part. the only young people who are that spun up are overweight or anemic neckbeards who spend all day online. that said, im well armed and have enough cash saved to bail from the country if need be, and maybe pass some bribes, but i have a hard time seeing it get to a federal-level genocide. though i could see as the us fragments yugoslavia-style things getting real fucking ugly in red areas due to paramilitary groups with no oversight. can we pull a bosnia and have an international tranny jihad against chud paramilitary groups?

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What are countries easy to get to?

my plans is enter canada, either under asylum or illigaly, and then probably make my way to western europe. if i emder CA legaly it could just be a plane ticket and a dufflebag. if i enter illigaly, ill probably have to pass a bribe to stowaway in a cargo container to russia or more likely northern china, and try to make my way to western europe the hard way by catching the BAM as far west as i can if possible, or potentialy trainhopping and dodgeing the law. either way i aint geting raped and strung up by a bunch of retards, i would rather die after falling out a coal car somewhere in bumfuck siberia. but i realy doubt it will come to that, and even if it does, there should hopefuly be some tollerable asylum system. kinda pissed ill lose my guns but i guess it beats getting lynched

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Literally why not just try to get to western europe in the first place

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cuz i like burger for now. I have amaseing authentic mexican food 5 minutes from my house, i can go to the nearby DNR land and blast trash with my shotgun with my friends if i get super bored, my diy hrt is super easy to get, the country is absoloutely beautiful, i can turn on my radar-detector and slam the gas to the floor in my car on a country road and watch the farms fly by as the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death. it's just fun and thebpossibilitys seem endless with every day, europe is probably safer, but it all feels too sanitised for my liking. "you wish the world was clean. but im in love with the way it's dirty"

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no. by the time they finally get around to getting rid of DIY a lot of stuff will get fucked up in the process

>but it all feels too sanitised for my liking.
You've clearly not been around much. However, the US sure is fucking massive, but everything is much denser across the Atlantic

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i really dont say this often but you sound freaking based

Very. Yes. Start gathering what you can for immigrant life now so you can hurry up and wait.

cheers from WNY where they let children get hormones (With parental consent)

you always post the sexiest fuckin pics lol

Nah, just make tranny communes innnawoods and survive off pregnant mare piss

>tranny communes
that would turn into just one big transbian polycule real fast

Selection bias. Where you live, what class you are, who you choose to interact with, etc. all shapes the sorts of people you regularlyeet. This nation has an endless well of far right neckbeards between the cities.
Yes, I'm making my first moves to emmigrate. It'll be a bit of an inconvinience, but at this point the stress of worrying how long I have before they do something truly awful to us is getting in the way of my grad studies.

Just require the transbians to get orchi and live in their own tents