Self-proclaimed passoids

based or cringe?

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i mean yea if you get gendered female 99% of the time or more irl, it's just starting an objective fact

it's a bit boastful


Claiming youre privileged because skinny and pass is self aware. Claiming privilege cause white is cringe.

claiming privilege for being skinny is cringe too, all you have to do to be skinny is put down the fucking fork for once and only drink water

Hunter "I'm white" Schafer

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Based. She's aware that her life is better because she's skinny and passing and white in America. Being an ugly fat black trans woman who doesn't pass will make your life miserable.

It'd be patronizing if she insisted she didn't

>put down the fucking fork for once and only drink water
I hate that attitude. There are a lot of psychological issues which makes people overeat and basically get addicted to food. Not to mention being bombarded by food ads everywhere

better to be unpassing black becuase people are terrified

unpassing white means you'll get your teeth punched in every once in a while

>waaaaaaah excuses excuses excuses!!!!
you being fat is your own fault and I doubt you ever developed something resembling self control, otherwise you wouldnt be fat

I don't think that's true. Unpassing black trans women are almost exclusively the ones that get attacked and hurt in America. If you're white the worst thing you get is misgendered or called a fag.

Maybe it's because their more likely to be poor and live in ghettos. Put a white unpassing tranny in a ghetto and they're dead within a week.

i dont have an issue with it
it's not based or cringe, just a statement.

Not them but addiction cause dadrape
Still my fault tho, i should have changed coping mechanisms as soon as it was in my hands (18)

I really don't think you live in reality. White tranners in the us only get beat up for pissing off minorities that are already living outside of white communities.

losing weight is not only just putting down the fork but fighting against yourself to not pick it up again
that fight against yourself is not easy user, your habits are rooted in the physiology of your brain and that shit doesn't go away at the moment you make a commitment

That's strange because black people are heralded in America.

Isn’t that kinda the point though?

If you let it get so bad you actually have to fight yourself not to pick it back up again and it really unironically isn't an easy fight, you're too far gone, not human anymore, and need to rope

You need to want to not be fat and you need to have the willpower to keep it down and make a lifestyle change. If you're not willing to do that, then you can't expect any sympathy. Skinniness is achievable and putting forward being skinny as "privileged" when it's entirely in people's control is laughable.

what if you think you're willing to do that but you try and you keep failing but you keep trying but it doesn't get better

most empathetic 4channer

Then you need to build self discipline and self control, you're clearly not trying hard enough and just want to give up and make excuses.

but you would think building self discipline and self control would involve continuing to try, right?
and i'm continuing to try
so why aren't i building discipline and self control

It's probably because your plasticity and resilience have already been eroded by calories

Because clearly you aren't trying hard enough and/or don't want to be skinny badly enough. If you're gonna be a fat fuck, at least don't go spouting bullshit about how skinniness is a privilege and not a natural result of self control.

idk I have no self control and am skinny lol

You have enough self control to not let your gluttony control you and your body.

>Any man who must say “I am the King” is no true King