Oh Oh

Oh Oh

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Other urls found in this thread:


Oh thank fuck.
Hopefully nobody posts about that cunt ever again.

Why do people hate her? She is pretty based and pro DIYing

It is over.

She's an attention seeking retard. I don't really disagree with much of what she says, she's just so obnoxious about everything

Terminally online people should be mocked and spitted. There is nothing based in someone living to get gotchas on twitter.

Does anyone actually know the reason why? As far as I can tell everything is 100% speculation rn

What happened?

holy based


another groomer bites the dust. and keffals took Twitter more seriously than any other leftwing streamer so you just know they're seething massively and spamming support with emails to restore the account.

Attached: lovelytwitchstreamer.png (1096x607, 397.71K)

She didn't say anything contradictory in the screenshots you posted. Learn to context.

she's annoying

She's annoying and not funny aka fembrained.

sodomy and crosdressing laws will be re-enacted and itll be illegal to be trans in 20+ states and twitter will give blue checkmarks to the politicians praising the times to come meanwhile if u fedpost ur presence gets removed off the internet. IT'S TRULY OVER. CONSERVATIVES HAVE ALL THE POWER AND THE LIBS WHO DO WONT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. THEYLL FUCKING BAN HRT AND U BET THEYLL CRACK DOWN ON DIY LIKE IT'S FUCKING COCAINE TRAFFICKING. I HATE THIS NEW WORLD ORDER. NOTHING TO BE DONE IF U LIVE IN TEXAS, ONLY TO KYS.

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I think that's referring to a grooming incident unrelated to being trans when she was a teen boy. I don't think those tweets in picrel are contradictory.

they admit to being groomed into the LGBT lifestyle by LGBT individuals.

You're actually retarded wow

good counterargument

Relax sister. Destiny's community has just been mass reporting her because of that WaPo piece that has dropped. Expect the account to be reinstated soon. He's been obsessed with her ever since he got banned off Twitch.


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Accused several people of rape/grooming without having any evidence

Who's the character in your pic, need more it looks cute

to play devil's advocate, I think that was supposed to be an eye for an eye at how people regularly to the exact same to her and other tranners for existing on the internet

She made it to the front page of paper WaPo btw.

While Destiny is named one time next to Lauren Southern and other NeoNazis.

It's pretty much over for Destiny at this point. Everyone googling him in the future while immediately find this article which potrays him as a Neonazi transphobe. His reputation is in the trash and he's a pariah internet personality at this point.

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