You have to like men if you want to be a woman

>you have to like men if you want to be a woman
How did this deranged, disordered thinking become such a widely accepted dogma?

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Good question,i too wonder when has homosexuality infected the mankind

95% of women are attracted to men


It’s only accepted by the resident retarded blanchtards of /tttt/

Who cares what retards here think? Gain some self respect and stop relying on people on the internet for validation in your femininity. Like who you like, it literally does not matter if you’re straight or transbian.

>self respect
having self respect when nobody else respects you is what we call delusion

isn't being a lesbian also correlated with higher testosterone in the womb, so a troon has low enough test in the womb to stop brain masculinization but high enough test over time and in the womb to be women attracted.

idk just a theory on why it could be the case.

simple, gynephilic trans women have a tendency to be malebrained, intensely autogynephilic rapehons, while androphilic trans women very rarely are

Because 98% of women like men on some level. AGP are just weirdos when you think of it.

95% of women date men*

attraction is a whole other story kek

Next level mental gymnastics

not even close but its okay youre a faggot the only woman youve ever talked to was your mother

troons are put under pressure , much more than any cis man or woman due to faketrans and so many more reasons
gee who knew

>uses fag flag
>calls me a faggot

If i could find one

cope harder you rapey transbian. dont you have bathrooms to be invading?

women go to the bathroom in packs but transbians are malebrained and don't, so women will always be able to defend the bathroom, invading it is pointless as a matter of numbers

Today on "things that nobody said but we pretend they did so we can justify our bitching"

Are people so sheltered here they seriously think normie cishet people aren't conceptually weirded out by gay trans women?

Is there data about that, or it's just a delusion to justify a victim complex?