Trans escorts?

with the amount of chasers on this board, how is there never any discussion about this?

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cause trannies are usually too poor to pay chasers for sex.

people who regularly fuck escorts need careers and a working dick, both of which are in short supply among incels *ahem* i mean chasers

The anti sex work brigade show up whenever the threads get going and they fall apart

yap yap

>noooo you cant have a problem with me being a living vector for 20 different diseases
trans or not that shit is gross and you'd make more money working an honest job than fucking some divorced guy for $150 a few days out of the week

anti-sex work bridge is here
but anyways sw's can charge
300 an hour or more.
some not as much. varies.

We are autists so keeping real jobs is tricky, getting railed 3 nights a week and making bank is much better

nobody on Any Forums is hot enough for 300 an hour, that's vegas money

Depends where you live I know plenty of girls charging 250 an hour

I charge 250

>do people think my behavior is offputting outside of my Twitter hugbox?
>no, they must be part of a coordinated effort to slander my line of work

I was charging 200 when I was working but will go to 250 if I get back into it since I look a lot better now

like this user said any discussion of sex work is instantly bogged down by retardation who get their ideas of how escorts are and operate from movies and TV

Idk I hate it. I hate the way
men talk to me or say
"u available"

i hired trans escorts a bunch of times, maybe 10 times in as many years. now im transitioning and i feel very weird about it.

>t. $75/hr

Prostitution is really bad for your psyche, your training away you ability to be vulnerable during sex, as well as learning to ignore the intimacy involved around sex. I dont blame them, as you basically have to to cope with it successfully.
It takes a special type of broken to not be negatively effected by this line of work.
Every prostitute I've known has just be the normal type of broken, and pretty much really unpleasant people, if they are not just really sad people.

The dealing with time wasters is the worst, you would think the sex would be the bad part of the job but that was the part I actually enjoyed.

Are you vers? Just wondering cos girl who can top are able to charge way more

nope lmao

>tfw broken, sad, and sometimes unpleasant
So you’re saying I should try out?

No bottom only. I haven't even been working.
Quite depressed as of late, time wasters
and people unable to pay a deposit to book.

I hired one once and now I am one

I knew before I saw her I was probably trans but tried to convince myself I was just a chaser

What about people who already are having one-night-stands and casual sex? Those seem exactly like the sort of people to conceive of sex as merely a fun side activity

It's obviously not for everyone but it worked for me I don't feel regret at all idk why it's just not something that effects me. Only stopped because I was in a relationship

Also the types of sex I have when working compared to the sex I have for me are very different, escorting is a performance I'm trying to make someone else feel as good as possible by doing what they want. Sex with someone I like is much more give and take

It's a little different, the context and your emotions during the sexual encounters is important.
A lot of whores think "I fuck people I LIKE, and I dont think much more about it than that"
Because of this they can always themselves to be vulnerable, and casual sex isn't always devoid of emotion/passion/ or intimacy.

Prostitution your literally fucking people you dont like, or cant even stand. Being used one sidedly, most of the time your not even sexually excited for the sex. It's not really enjoyable either. You have zero attraction for the man paying you.
If you were vulnerable for each encounter you'd go home crying after buying a bag of heroin on the way.

Casual sex, just because it's casual our outside of monogamy doesn't have nearly the same kind emotional context as getting paid does.
Really kind of silly to compare the two.

Faggots like this kill threads like this.
Ignore him from now on.

Being a chaser doesn't make me a pig

R/sexworkersonly is a really good subreddit for all kinds of info

Also question- is it wrong to not use condoms for blowing guys? I just don't think any guy would pay for head with a condom. I still use em for actual sex

I did it for a bit when I fell on hard times, not worth it.

It never affected me either, until it started to. But even then I was extremely broken going in.
But if you can maintain doing it, be my guest. It's just most girls will not come out of it well adjusted or happy.

Yes it is difference though, going in with the mind set your hear to please is a good one.
Gives you a little shielding oddly if you think about it too.
Why cant I be honest about prostitution, it's something I've been involved in, many of my friends are still involved in. It's not a pleasant business. Is it really such a foul thing to just tell the truth?

Idk I've had sex I didnt like, although usually in a relationship context. The first two times it was sad, after that I learned to zone out and it just becomes a minor hassle at worst. Even when the emotional/intimacy/passion part of the relationship had died, so it wasnt like I was having bad sex with someone I loved either. It was just bad sex with a person. A minor hassle for 250/hour doesnt sound bad at all, but you're right that it's different from casual sex. Just that peopme who have casual sex may already know how to devalue sex to a certain degree.

I'd rather get a full time job but been sucidal. So escorting makes things idk

No most wont allow condoms for oral, but it's something I just plain wouldn't do otherwise.
It's not worth the risk or HPV or herpes.
If they do it's typically also because they are going to fuck you too.

It'd be better to just let them fuck you at that point with a condom/female condom instead.

idk but i'd love for someone to explain how to get into it, every website i find seems glowie as all hell

they all expect 'bbj' anyways

just give them a handjob and say you’re really good at it. BJs arent worth it