/Nicegen/ - last thread only 10 posts :( edition

>What is nicegen?
Nicegen is a thread to escape all the normal depression posts and bddposts and just be nice to each other and try to share positive thoughts.
>Who is this thread for?
Anyone is welcome here, just remember to be nice. We are all frens and we are all in this together. We're all gonna make it :)

Thread topic: Have you done anything fun so far this summer? If not, any exciting plans before its over?

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im pretty boring but at least i went crabbing :)
really want it to be september already, summer is not for me and you get to make a nice hot bisque on the beach because it'll be colder
any crab enjoyers

Its something only i care about but i've gotten a bit more into storm chasing as this summer has progressed. Sadly, I dont have a way to actually go to the midwest and actually chase storms properly, but I've been following live streams by meteorologists more and more.

Its been kind of a quiet season for tornadoes, but there have been some wild storms that had like 100+ mph winds associated with them and it can be cool to see stuff like that live. I do intend on saving up some money and taking a road trip to oklahoma to just go see a tornado in person. Its always been a personal dream of mine.

And also, if nothing else to try and see red sprites in action. (Look them up on youtube, they are really fucking cool. Its basically like a mini aurora borealis that only occurs in areas where strong thunderstorms happen and you can view the storm and the atmosphere above it at the same time.)

that's cool user i'm on the coast so i can't really do that but it sounds exhilarating
take a good selfie, also red sprites look really scary wtf?

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I wouldn't say they're scary. You cant really see them unless you're a far distance away from them. And its only something scientists really started noticing a few years ago and actually recording data for. Actually whats really cool is if the lightning strikes are powerful enough, they can get high enough into the atmosphere to where it starts appearing green. They call the green ones ghosts.

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Thank you for reviving this nicegen user, i'm the OP of the previous one and i ended up sleeping all day. How's everyone doing?

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I'm starting hrt within months, at most. Doesn't feel entirely real yet.
And my thoughts aren't organised enough to talk about it.
But it does feel nice.

Omw to work right now. Its gonna be a fairly quiet day considering i got offered to take the night off twice before i left for work.

almost finished with my masters degree. haven’t had time to celebrate recent victory at Supreme Court. might job hop to a 300k+ job after I obtain degree. feels good but busy

Idk much about transitioning cuz im a cis male, but i will tell you. You're going to be putting yourself down alot because your expectations are probably going to be too high for what will take a lot of time to realistically achieve.

Ignore the dysphoria and keep working towards your goals. You are beautiful and know that, while you might get some grief irl, you are still loved. Focus on yourself and what makes you happy, user. You got this!

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im lately not giving a fuck about anything, its pretty fine :)

What would yall think about an official Nicegen discord server? Seeing the off and on popularity of these threads has me kinda wanting to make one.

i appreciate the thought : )


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>Are you the same user who wasn't getting enough work?
Yep. I work at an amazon warehouse and you normally wouldn't think it would be so quiet, but for the last several months the warehouse has been full and we haven't been doing as much business as you would expect, so nothing's going out. Prime week is in a couple weeks so hopefully that will bring us back to a full time schedule for a while. (Prime week is like amazon's specific black friday. Its pretty crazy busy.)

>to be fair i'm afraid a discord server would mean the end of the thread as a lot of anons aren't comfortable with discord. I think having it as a thread is helpful to people who would rather stay anonymous

Fair enough. I just thought i would explore the idea. This thread is just about the only thing i use Any Forums for anymore. Im more active on discord than i am anywhere else lol.

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Hopefully if it doesn't pick up volume during prime week you can find another job, already wished you luck with that in the other thread but there's no harm doing it twice :) and i could always use a hand making the OPs or keeping the threads bumped tbhon

me and my family went to the beach this summer and i got to try out my new swim suit i was scared at first and i still dont know how to swim but it was fun to be in the water and after that i went to my friends house and that was fun but most of the time im home

Sounds fun user! hope you get many moments worth sharing like these

Bumping for /nice/

nice bump :)

nice post :)