Guys, are the feds using us to destabilize the country?

Guys, are the feds using us to destabilize the country?

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Attached: libs of tiktok cia ties.png (921x833, 1.29M)

no shit sherlock

ye ur just their political pawn. they dont give a fuck about u or ur rights. they just see us as a political inconvenience.

Attached: un.jpg (500x500, 48.71K)

civil unrest is a good way to justify authoritarianism, so it is possible that were being used as another pawn. but honestly almost all of this is media related. the aristocrats who run the west can cherrypick and surpress information on a whim, so they dont need to "make more trannys" to reach their end goals or anything, they just have to scare people with fearmongering

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god I hate gusanos so much

>person running political campaigns on social media has a background in politics
>braindead Any Forumstards are so shocked by the concept someone having a career that they think it’s a conspiracy

>.05% of the population
>merely existing is enough to destabilize a country
That really makes the country look insultingly pathetic.

Lmao this

>god I hate gusanos so m-ACK

Attached: commies finding out.png (1493x1567, 513.52K)

>Any Forumstards
What are you talking about, stupid retard? I'm talking about the lawyer involved with the "libs of tik tok" account. That account posts transphobic shit and fearmongering which is causing a lot of political turmoil in the US, so I'm questioning if they're using us as a boogeyman to cause divide among the US population.
That's why they're using that account to do that, stupid.

There isn't a single political commentator who isn't either a moderate, a useful idiot or an asset. The funny thing is that people will shit on Any Forums for falling into the exact same trap that they are.

>That's why they're using that account to do that, stupid.
No no no. The fact that the whole trick actually works is what makes the country look pathetic.
To let yourself get whipped into a frenzy over such completely trivial non-issues.
.05% of the population.
There's probably more people killed by cows per year than that.

>What are you talking about, stupid retard?
you posted a picture of Any Forumstards reacting to the information you're discussing, stupid retard

I've seen this repeated a bunch. there's no evidence Lally had any affiliation with the CIA. he's just a typical ultra-right-wing conservative who's obsessed with fighting commies and homos and tries to support anything that facilitates right-wing agendas

it's funny how whether you're on the left or right, if you're a 4channer you're almost always a retarded paranoid conspiracy theorist. earlier today someone here was saying libsoftiktok is run by a Jew and that this is evidence "the Jews are playing both sides". conspiracy theorists and normalfags are two sides of the same NPC coin

> so I'm questioning if they're using us as a boogeyman to cause divide among the US population.
no shit, of course they are. all right-wingers are trying to do so all day every day on all platforms across all media channels and this has been the case for at least like 6 years. it's gotten worse recently, but the explanation behind it is what it's always been: 1) Tranny Derangement Syndrome and 2) knowing that exploiting mass TDS hysteria is an excellent way to rile up and rally their base. there's no "CIA conspiracy" angle. it's just the standard right-wing horseshit that's existed for decades

>.05% of the population.
it's actually 0.5%. but yeah, still tiny

Tying trans identity to lefty politics and mid 2010s SJW culture was the worst thing that has ever happened to trannies as a collective.

>civil unrest is a good way to justify authoritarianism, so it is possible that were being used as another pawn. but honestly almost all of this is media related. the aristocrats who run the west can cherrypick and surpress information on a whim, so they dont need to "make more trannys" to reach their end goals or anything, they just have to scare people with fearmongering
why do people always jump to these convoluted conspiracy theories (whether it's vaccines, guns, trannies, libsoftiktok) when the very simple and straightforward answer is smacking them right in the face: half the country is pearl-clutching, deeply religious, braindead puritans, and things they consider "an affront to nature or natural law or tradition" trigger instinctive reactions of fear and hostility, and exploiting this is also very useful to gain attention or win elections in addition to most right-wing politicians likely genuinely believing it all themselves

the fundamental issue is right-wing reactionary psychology, neurology, ideology, and culture

>trivial non-issues.
Are you retarded? Trannies are trying to redefine basic concepts like "man" and "woman", and these teachers want to expose people's kids to the concept of gender dysphoria. You don't have to be a conservatard to see that affects everyone.

>government good
>people bad
This post glows

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>Trannies are trying to redefine basic concepts like "man" and "woman"
>You don't have to be a conservatard to see that affects everyone.
How terrible having to call certain moids "women" or certain foids "men" even though statistically you'll only ever meet a single troon once every 5 years and then you most likely won't even talk to them in the first place, unless you live in literal Troontown (discord).
Lowering the speed limit by 5 mph is going to have a bigger impact on the US than some trannies.

I think it's easy to explain by right wingers because largely mentally and emotionally impaired and thus easy to exploit for advertising money. I'm convinced that media companies have found that any mention of a trans person in sports or drag queens or youth transition are always the most clicked, read, and shared articles each month, so they keep finding any random ass podunk competition with a trans person or drag queen story hour and sensationalize it. Rightoids then descend like flies on shit and share it a billion times to their church groups and mumsnets. None of them are smart enough to know about ad blockers so they get forcefed more sensational ads, driving them even more insane. End result is just getting ad and vote farmed like cattle

You only started to notice it now?

inb4 the we need to eugenics away right wingers poster shows up