What are my chances of finding a dom girlfriend with a healthy intestinal biome who would want to perform a fecal...

What are my chances of finding a dom girlfriend with a healthy intestinal biome who would want to perform a fecal matter transplant on me so that even my digestive system belongs to her, as an MTF with IBS?

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I would say probably 0%

Very low but not impossible

Repulsive kys

Me rn

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How is this repulsive? Fecal matter transplants are a proven therapy to improve digestive and general health

The disgusting part is that you're getting off on it

it would be a lot less weird if it didn't feel like you were getting off to it

>what is shitposting
Consider posting on reddit instead

aha haha

they have to check compatibility first etc i think

i have had a fecal transplant in 2017 (at the suggestion of my indian gastro lol) i had a bad reaction to it and spent like 9 days in the hospital extremely sick, and through all of this that bastard tried to get my primary care to stop my pain medicine that greatly reduced my diarhea and made life bearable and functional

this is a wonderful sentiment though, what i want to do is inject some of one (or both ideally) of my love's blood someday

my Ellaphae wedding ceremony will involve blood )*

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not gonna lie i would be down for this
i'm really into the idea of eating small bits of each other in a relationship so your body absorbs their cells and fuels you with them, making you physically part of each other
this is just kinda like that but with the gut, which in a way is even more intimate albeit literally poopy

You mean like genetics matched? Was your donor screened?

i didnt know my doner but ofc they screen all of that stuff, they check like what yours has and then find a similar that has more balanced bacterias etc i believe

I remember reading a story from a chaser who accidentally swallowed a tiny piece of shit while rimming his gf which in turn solved all of his digestive issues he'd been suffering from all his life, lol.

so your donor was totally screened with good procedures and you still got sick? that's really unusual. are you still sick now?

it's not uncommon with fecal transplants, gut microbiology is still a relatively new science

pso is fucked in all kinds of ways, she's basically falling apart, so her getting extremely sick from pretty much anything is nothing unusual.

No it's not. It's really, really uncommon to have an adverse reaction, like 1/100 and that's in people who are already severely ill

literal disinfo, fecal transplant complication rates are over 20% in developed countries and nearly double that in the rest of the world. this is easily verifiable information.

you repulse me so much

Why are you lying about this? This is an insanely bizarre thing to lie about


>a total of 227 were recruited
>Any side effects directly related to and during FMT treatment and within 1 week after FMT were considered to be adverse effects of FMT. At the same time, different side effects were observed for different FMT pathways (colonoscopy, nasointestinal, and capsule). A total of 89 (39.21%) adverse reactions occurred during follow-up. Of these, 83 were mild, and no interventions or medications were indicated (grade 1). The other six adverse events were classified as grade 2 effects. No serious adverse reactions (grade 3 or above) were observed.

>No serious adverse reactions (grade 3 or above) were observed.
>No serious adverse reactions (grade 3 or above) were observed.
>No serious adverse reactions (grade 3 or above) were observed.

>systematic review of FMT for the treatment of IBD showed bothersome serious side effects: 7% of FMT participants, compared with 5% of controls, had severe adverse events (95% confidence interval)
>In solid-organ transplant recipients(...)adverse events occurred in 22.3%, and relatively mild adverse events, such as nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and severe adverse events occurred in 3.2%
fairly positive pso has had a transplant, even if that's incorrect, it's still 7% chance for severe complications for everyone else
you're correct, this is an insanely bizarre thing for you to misrepresent statistics about.