How to fix the 'hugboxer problem'

>Stick them in concentration camp and tell them it's not so bad. It's practically a 5 star hotel when you really think about it

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>regularly accused of hugboxing
>always sincere

Into the camp until you can tell the difference between a man and a woman

maybe you're the one who needs to learn the difference

I'm VERY aware of the difference

Maybe that's your problem

I don't have a problem, you do. You're the one continually accused of hugboxing. Listen to people

If I see cute girls then the number of cute girls in the world increases. Doesn't sound like a problem to me.

That's not how it works. What happens is this girl goes into the world unaware she's really a hon and then she's crushed by RLE that doesn't reflect your lies. You're not a fairy fuckin godmother

I don't tell girls they pass

You're telling them something they know isn't true

They're wrong

RLE wins every time. Into the camp. It's not as bad as you think it is

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>the camp in question

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Have a seat

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>Comparing putting someone in a concentration camp and telling them it's not so bad to someone telling you you're actually not as hideous as you think on Any Forums

God your problems are so fucking pathetic
Get a grip and get some proportions - assuming you're above 18 years old, this kind of behaviour is genuinely embarrassing

I can only respect the crypto-evil hugboxers

It's really not as bad as you think it is. Just stay a while. Tbh you're as bad as holocaust deniers

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It's not hugboxing if it's true