Explain the sudden ride of transgenderism during the 2010s

explain the sudden ride of transgenderism during the 2010s

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more acceptance means more people feel safe coming out
also microplastics

Propaganda op that started in 2015 with Jenner. No sooner, no later.
Still can't figure out the precise source, but it may be the Russians.

they are indoctrinating kids in elementary and middle school and feed them onions to become estrogenized degenerates

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>In reality the number of trans people has remained the same or even gone down.
Literally not the case, most people didn't even know trannies existed in the 2000s and before that

honestly we should make more of them


>please share more of your insights before the government makes you kill yourself
Fuck they got him!

With the fall of Soviet union, the left started focusing on culture issues like lgbt rights instead of socioeconomic ones.

why not? I like tranners :)

Social media gives visibility to and amplifies all social phenomena. People went from not knowing any tranny personally to having tranny friends online. The effect was more or less the same as when gay people started coming out en masse between the 80s and the early 2000s, normies realized they were more or less normal people and they were gradually accepted. The problem is that transgender activists have tried to redefine basic concepts like "man" and "woman", which turned too many normies hostile.

no chaser flag... this seems too pure to engage with.

My nigga, this started in the 60s.
The CIA, the corporations and the Israel lobby pushed intersectionality as a way to attack the "Red Fascists" and distract from economic and environmental issues. Social issues are not a threat to Israel or the economy, so they're allowed and encouraged.

I personally groomed them
You're welcome

People have a name for their dysphoria.
I have "been trans" since I was five and had an existential crisis looking in the mirror one day. I questioned my name, interests, and whatever
At first being transgender didn't make sense but knowing that I can transition and not need surgery or hrt helped me accept myself for who I am. Whether you do use hrt or surgery or don't you're all valid despite what assholes say, don't forget that.

Tl;dr I was always a woman but realized there was a term for it within the last decade

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And where did the tranny friends come from? The aether?
Social media is downstream from the mainstream media.
People do what they receive praise for. The media determines what is good and evil. Social constructs are labels and before you hear the labels, they don't exist.

And what piece of media told you you could be transgender?

Oh fuck.
Good luck, comrade. We will remember your sacrifice.

i think you need to focus on cis threads and filter trans topics...

phones made people terminally online
being terminally online opens you up to "brainworms" and autism
autism prevents you from seeing yourself as a part of objective reality
avoiding reality for the sake of their comfort makes autists troon out

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None that I can think of. Mostly just based on life experiences. Why, are you trying to be a pedantic asshole in order to inflate your own ego? Unfortunately for you this is the happiest I've been in my entire life.
*cute anime girls dabs and then does an epic fortnite dance on your entire existence*