Mmg manmoder general

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10 year manmoder here. every day is hell

why would an afab make this thread though

Sup fellow manly men

things been horrible for me
feels pain

everlasting pain

Does anyone else have pre-injection rituals? Like I usually get a shot in or smoke a bowl.

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At least we get to look younger than our actual ages, that's something right

>10 year manmoder here. every day is hell
how do you do it? im struggling at 2

I don't have a choice, I have untreated adhd


at least i get sir'd less by retail working AFAB's I mostly get called sweety or darling now

does adhd... help with struggling with permamanmode?
im also currently under untreated adhd too

Yes because the defining trait of adhd is inability to work on goals without immediate consequences so if you want to girlmode and there's nothing to push you you're fucked

by how do you do it, i mean how do you deal with the emotional pain of being stuck in manmode

I simply live with the agony

>how do you deal with the pain of man mode

its much better then repping
its better then hon moding as well

its just the least bad option
i simply live with the pain

>its better then hon moding as well

I'm doing like 50/50 these days I don't know if either is worse than the other

everlasting happiness

depends how progressive your area is i guess

i live in a progressive city but in a relatively poor area with a high Muslim population. I would defiantly at least get yelled at about being a faggot when out in public if i hon moded here

Yeah I totally look like 40!

Where I am is far from progressive but boobs + long hair can get you pretty far regardless of face.

People who guess my age are all over the place and probably just trying to be nice I really have no idea what age I actually look

Yeah sadly i cut my hair before getting psych care :/
Other patients still saw through my manmode so ig boobs are enough…

I don't have large boobs only A cups from the measurements bordering B.

Plus they are only like that because they are pointy cone tits if I wear 2 layers of clothes they get flattened out and because of my wide chest they just look like pecs