Why do so many white troons (usually hons) become aggressively anti white on Twitter after transition? Kinda cringe

Why do so many white troons (usually hons) become aggressively anti white on Twitter after transition? Kinda cringe.

Attached: 13096 - baby bbc blacked blood bloodshot_eyes blue_skin calm cap clothes crazed deformed fume glasses hat ... variant_cobson variant_gapejak variant_gapejak_front variant_impish_soyak_ears variant_jacobson variant_markiplier_soyjak.png (1024x1046, 516.43K)

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They are going through puberty again basically, they’re giant retards. Most become white nats or right leaning when they actually pass and most never go down the anti-white rabbit hole at the start they go down the commie rabbit hole. The ones that do are usually mega hons

>white nats or right leaning
This is where most white adults end up as, tranny or otherwise. Commie shit is only popular among young impressionable people.

cause whites are the only race on earth without an ingrop preference which is part of why they die out

they believe in the retarded (anarchist) idea that minorities need to be "liberated". standard communist bullshit


>coalson on the 'log

Anarchists believe everyone needs to be liberated from capitalism

I wish you where right

When whites do it we make sure the job is done right clearly

Woah there buddy those numbers sound a little bit high, I think they simply just don't add up.

Not ancaps, you kneegrow

They are not actual anarchists. Not even capitalists take ancaps seriously.

Sudden realization of equality imbalance in america after going from cis white male to trans female

Lol your retarded and a tripfag

I used to think commie Twitter trannies were actually being intersectional blah blah blah, then I realized that, as marxists, they don't believe in identity politics and just hate white people


> I wish you where right
The superior grammar of an ubermensch Aryan. UVGH!

>commie anarchist
>thinks xir's respectable
lmao Most polling shows that rightist libertarian types, like ancaps, are, by far, the smartest demographic in america.

you antifa types aren't really capable of thinking.

>you used an h? Huh kiddo?
Your dumb :D