Contras bussy must have been god tier

Because Toob still can’t stop talking about her

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allah be merciful and guide the hand of the jannies to ban all toobtra vaguetweet threads until and unless there is actual public drama

no one gives a fuck



I just like watching the rich trannies be passive aggressive

He's now fantasizing about having children with her? PT is vile and disgusting

i hope one day contra gets sick of toob constantly crying about how his poor special friend that he raped and skinwalked wants nothing to do with him and she exposes him for good. please contra we know you browse here you don't have to cope with drug addiction when you can defeat the toob with righteousness and honesty.

Its not about Hontra but Lindsey Ellis who had a kid with her husband. But I still I hate white trannies vauge posting. Can they just take a page of the black tranny hand book and be direct?

Placing the entire passive-aggressive reason for making the tweet in the middle as just another "moment" like nobody will notice.

yeah i figured the baby part wasn't about contra but the part about someone who knew her for years who can't look her in the eye is about contra 100%

What no pussy do do a mf

his profile pic looks as if his head is mounted onto a spider robot

Hasn't pt been dating another woman for the past year or so? If I had been dating someone that long but they still kept talking about their ex I'd leave, that's sad

>Lindsey Ellis
that bitch had a kid that she didn't kill? I assume that the father was some extremely low-test beta leftist.

>Lindsey Ellis who had a kid with her husband
how do you find this stuff out, didn't she leave YT and twitter?

I'm always confused by poltical bait posts like this. It's like the poster can't decide whether to be anti-leftist or anti-abortion.

holy shit natalie and tube were both at vidcon- did he try to approach her and she didnt look him in the eye? does anyone have any video of them there? im so sick of tube and i hope natalie just exposes him

toob art schizo if you're reading this please make an image of the chewb in his spider robot crawling into contra's house or something ill love you forever

He literally wonders why the girl he raped cant look him in the eye after he stole her entire style and life... gee I wonder why.


It's the same thing, opposing abortion means opposing the pro-abortion party, opposing the pro-abortion party means opposing abortion

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bro look at the size of his fucking skull ahahhaha

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skullpill is killing me

get that bitch some bangs stat!!!

listen i have a medically massive skull (outside of normal human range) and yet toob's skull is still so much larger. how is it even possible

tube and contra dated, tube promised that she ain't a repper living vicariously through contra, contra figured it out eventually and then she couldn't look into tube's eyes ever again!
there was no rape, tube is just a lying cunt!

thats where she keeps all the philosophy

She had an interview this week

Correct way would be to end with inshallah (god willing) as opposed to alhamdulillah (thank god) since you are making a request