How do you deal with IRL people trying to pinkpill you?

I'm a leftist who lives in an affluent, pretty progressive neighborhood, so a few of my acquaintances are trans. I'm something like a repressor or questioning, and I never had a hard time concealing that side of myself from cishets. But around these troons I feel like I'm under a microscope. They have noticed that I don't act like a normal cis dude and and exhibit some transfem-like stereotypes, and they seem intent on "cracking my egg" or whatever.
The thing is, at this point I've already decided that transition is not that route I want to take. So how do I get these people to shut up about it without sounding transphobic? I like them but sometimes I feel like they just want to fill the world with more tranners. Or perhaps they like me and are now dealing with the cognitive dissonance of finding a cis man likable, so they think I must ACTUALLY be a trans person in the closet.
I just want them to stop asking me about this and let it go. How do I achieve that without being an asshole?

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By giving in user ;) or perhaps you're imagining that they're giving you a lot of that kind of feedback because you want it to be true?

>perhaps you're imagining
Nah, they definitely are. If anything I try to imagine they're not. I have straight cis friends too so it's not like I'm just surrounding myself with legbutts in some subconscious effort to crack myself

>a cis guy has ftm traits
>he must be mtf trans
tell them they're transphobic
post reactions here

I thought transfem meant AMABs? I meant they think I act like a a transgirl or theymab or whatever

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can you give some example of what they do?

>user are you SURE you aren't trans??
>you do and say these things that trans people sometimes do and say
>and you're depressed and have substance abuse problems and you shave your face and have long hair
>and you said you don't feel a strong connection to your gender are you sure you're not at least enby?
IDK stuff like that. I always just am like
>"yeah I'm pretty sure I'm not though"
And even if I am, I'd prefer they let me figure that out on my own time and stop trying to rush things

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You are male but gender non conforming. If they press you on it just shout at them that they're being queerphobic of your GNC identity until they shut up.

I pink pill repressors on principle, and I explain the tool of manmoding to those without potential to pass.
If they have potential to pass I will be more adamant in my pinkpilling, otherwise Ill let them be if they are opposed.

If they are an upset, sad sack, depressed loser, I am afraid the pinkpilling wont stop until they are on HRT. It depends though really, context is important.

People might see you all depressed, living a lie, and it's hard for them to imagine your pain, and you fighting the medicine that will make it all go away. Some reppers are legit retarded, and like the retarded, those with a more powerful mind feel they must guide them.

>and you said you don't feel a strong connection to your gender are you sure you're not at least enby?
well if you talk to them about stuff like that I can see why they are asking.
maybe they just want to help you explore ur feelings. but if you don't want them to, just tell them that you want to figure it out on your own.
so do you think you might be a repressor cause you don't know yet? or do you know and just decided that transitioning isn't for you?
if you just feel like transitioning isn't for your then idk, (i'm a repper too) since its kinda hard, cause if you are friends and they know that its really hard emotionally, they'd kinda want to try and help (but idk cause I don't have friends, so maybe I'm wrong)

In my 19 years of life on this planet I've never even been asked if I'm gay despite never having a gf. So just give the impression that you're a red-blooded GigaChad then.

I'm not sure if I can call it repression because I'm not even sure if the crappy feelings I feel are dysphoria or just depression+dysmorphia (which runs in my family). And the thing about my connection to gender I mentioned only because I'd heard a man cis people say they feel the same lack of a strong gendered identity. And how trans people assume everyone has a clear, gendered feeling inside but for most cis people they are just kinda their gender by default and don't think about it much. And I only talked about this LITERALLY once, but of course now I regret it. Pretty sure I am just overthinking things

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check out this site ( genderdysphoria(dot)fyi/en/printable)
now, I'm a repper too so idk how accurate it is, but if it is accurate, it helped me figure out stuff.
so check it out, but maybe don't take it as gospel

also for me I wasn't sure if I had dysmorphia or dysphoria before, but I'm pretty sure its dysphoria since I can look at myself and tell that I am an averagely attractive guy, and I recognize a lot of my features (6'1, 20" shoulders, 12" feet, deep voice, etc) are desirable for a lot of men. but growing up, I've always been uncomfortable with these features and generally masculinizing over time.

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also idk about the cis people not being connected to their gender or not. I did tell my dad when younger that I don't "feel" like a guy since we were discussing something (more theory kinda, but still) and he was confused and said that he strongly feels like a man.

I went through a pretty late puberty and I can remember being insecure about that, wishing my voice would drop and I would get taller so I could catch up to my peers and stop being seen as a child. I don't think I would have ever had those feelings if I were trans. I would've enjoyed the fact that my body was naturally avoiding masculinizing right?
That's the thing I guess. If any of this were clear cut, the answer would be simple. But from the very little I can remember about my youth years, there aren't any clear signs. For anything eggy I could just as easily find a memory of me hating not being "manly enough". It all seems to cancel out and give me absolutely no answers.
Is ROGD a thing for moids? Maybe that's it

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We are only trying to help you, but by the time you finally figure that out, you might feel like it’s too late. If you unironically call yourself a “repressor”, it’s fucking over. You will never be truly happy as a man.

yea idk, as I said, am repper so I don't know everything and can't really speak for every scenario. so still don't take anything I say to totally confirm or deny yourself.
but yea I could see that being kinda hard to figure out.

for me the site kinda helped clear up kinda disconnects in my thinking. like I did wish I was a girl growing up, having daydreams and everything, whereas before I thought trans people literally thought they were the opposite gender even before transitioning. and times where I felt happy when (had long hair when I was younger and happened when facing away from them) I was called ma'am/miss by strangers, but back then I didn't connect it with my desire to be a girl. also, I was def uncomfortable with my masculinization but before I just wished it was softer/maybe feminine, but I didn't totally connect it with my desire to be a girl, but it's a bit more obvious now. there were a ton of those little things for me.

but for you, idk. I can't really say, it all seems to be really an individualistic thing. and again don't take my experience as totally credible since I'm repping and I may even be wrong about myself.

some troon are so obsessed with being troon, they start seeing proof of being egg in everything
i've been told by a transbian that i was an egg because i got a big butt

That's true, but to be fair then... OP is repressing, or at least thinking a lot about it. Those types you can sniff it on them.

And yah you do have a big butt, should probably make it bigger with some squats and estrogen.

Dunno if you're memeing but you sound like a pushy fucking creep
Like unironically the meme groomer stereotype transphobic normies think all trannies are
Have you ever considered some may just be better off repping or otherwise not transitioning and aren't mentally equipped to go down that rabbit hole?

Remind them that they are men and always will be men
The only reason women exist is for breeding, without their wombs they are useless
THe ideal relationship is two men, and if having a gf/wife didn't convey any social status, you would never see any man voluntarily pursuing women
Women are like an appendix - a vestigial organ which only causes problems and will eventually be removed by evolution
Remind them of their place as biological males and tell them that only men will ever be into them, women only pretend to be attracted to people so as to spit out babies which can be used for child support