"HRT has totally destroyed my ego"

"HRT has totally destroyed my ego"

What does that mean?

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for me it means that my old beliefs that im smarter and tougher than i am slowly melted away. my old personality too with time has faded. i finaly let go of trying to be the same old asshole just with a pair of boobs and realised im somine very different from who i expected / was expected of me. i realised that im a bit of a dummy, and realy not all that mentaly or physicaly tough, and thats ok. i realised it's ok to cry infront of others, i realised it's ok to ask for help and support. i feel lighter, like decades worth of layered facade have been chipped away to finaly just leave behind the person who was always underneith it all. she's a little under-developed, she's very meek and needs to find her footing in life. she crys a lot, and doesnt understand why the world arround her is so cruel. she needs a lot of help to become the young woman she should already be. but she's me, and i love her, even with all her flaws. the person who i once was would hate her for being weak, but he was cruel and lacked a heart. she's everything he was too scared to be and more. my friends say im not even the same person, but they still love the person i am now and think shes a realy good friend. the male ego is a powerful thing, and can be quite toxic. when it starts to wash away you can change a lot as a person. it's a scary experience for some, and many try desperately to cling on to the past for any sense of steadyness in their transition. but realy it's best to let go, and let the tide carry you where you need to be

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It means I have crippling feelings of inferiority and worthlessness now

probably a result of people no longer having to put up a masculine façade and as a result having trouble knowing who they really are without that façade

That AGP is self rape and it is making do things that I don't want to do.

Estrogen is a known neurotoxin and they are confusing the onset of profound and irreversible mental retardation for ego death.

This was really sweet user

Is this true :( I thought it was testosterone that was toxic

hey quick question about HRT, my doctor said i had to increment the dosage of estradiol 2mg, from one pill to 3 pills a day. can i take the 3 pills at the same time or it has to be morning, afternoon, night?

spread out, more steady levels are always a good idea for comfort.
they're being a dork. the brain runs a little different on E vs T. men think that anything not running just like them is broken.

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I will not allow myself to get ego deathed
I will live
I will survive

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best of luck user! i tried the same, and when your realise clinging to the past is making you miserable you'll be just the same

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ngl this is pretty inspirational

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This is the path to honnery

>HRT has totally destroyed my ego
for me this means i've gone from an incel loser to sissy bimbo slut and have lost my male "ego"

balding repressor's hands wrote this post

I feel like i've seen you in some other ego death thread

>"HRT has totally destroyed my ego"
>What does that mean?
You decide, because you wrote the thing. I've never heard this anywhere.

I dunno. Pretty picture tho!

honestly i had almost the same exact experience as you

at first i was just taking the E to cope, but my feelings of repression began to fade quickly. my old self had this obsession with change. i hated change. after a hurricane we had to remodel a lot of our house and i hated it so much. i missed how it used to look. i was obsessed with nostalgia and holding onto what was for as long as i could. i kept my room the same exact way for almost my whole life. people moving on or finding new places terrified me. things always had to be the same, i needed that connection to the past at all times. around the end of my repression, a lot of things changed in my life. it bothered me a lot, felt like things would never be the same. maybe that's what helped me crack, idk. when i did finally have my breakdown that one night, i asked myself if everything else has to change, if nothing else can be the same ever again, why shouldn't i just change too? and so i did.

and it's a really bittersweet feeling. my old self wasn't terrible to others but terrible to himself.
i was often saying harsh things in the mirror to fuel my repression, making ugly faces to convince myself transitioning would never be worth it with a face like mine. i drew a lot of nasty and unsavory artwork of myself, so on and so forth. but now that's faded away. i've learned a lot about myself that i didn't even realize and it's been really bittersweet. i'm changing, i've always desperately held on to the past and rejected change, but now i'm losing my grip. my old self is fading and my new self is blossoming. i'm not who i used to be, my old self would be furious, but now i just feel... comfort. i love what you said about letting the tide carry you, i've been fighting it my whole life and it's time i let it carry me now.

i spent my entire life being afraid of change, resisting it at every turn, and now i've finally learned to accept it. and i've learned to accept myself.

i'd go into more detail but i wouldn't wanna clog the thread, but there's a lot more to it and maybe i'll write it all down one day idk