What's the deal with my bf?

Seriously. He says he likes femboys and that I gave him a kink for femboys. But I'm aging out of it. He demands I don't take hrt and just cope 24/7 to avoid being depressed about having my identity ripped away from me by puberty. He says I don't need to be a femboy for him to love me, and that I need to let it go. He also insists on continuing to call me his "lil cutie" and "femboy bf" and stuff like that. How am I supposed to just le cope and just le not think about it and not cry and fall back into my major depression when he constantly reminds me of what I want to be and cannot be if I want to stay with him (he has told me he would leave me over taking hrt).

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don't listen to him. take hrt or else he will abandon you for a new hot twink or femboy

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What do you mean, puberty? How old are you? How old is he?

Fuck you for posting that image
I'm 21 and been trying to convince him to let me take it since 19. He's 32.

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he's only into your masculine qualities and is lying to you and pretending to appreciate your feminine qualities to suck up to your dysphoria and make you like and need him so he can retain access to that hunky man ass

they are bipedos (probs closer to Ephebophiles desu) but twink death is definitely real

You don't need his permission to take it and you never did. Leave him and get started on what will make YOU happy. Whatever happiness he gives you is not enough to justify letting him be controlling and tell you what you do with your own body. There are men out there who will love you for who you really are, not this fetishized idea of you that he seems to be fixated on.

OP when did your relationship start with him?

>I'm 21 and been trying to convince him to let me take it since 19. He's 32.
You don't need to ask your boyfriend permission to take HRT. 32 and 21 is a VERY questionable age gap in any case. Take hrt and leave the bipedo.

It started when I was 19. I coped until I was 18 by saying I would grow out of it when I became an adult, then I just started saving money at 18 cause I couldn't afford it yet.
I legit love him though. I only wish he didn't try to control me like this.

mf you were 19 dating a 30 year old?

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Yep. Test is basically poison if you're trying to be fem
>19 yo dating 32 yo
your bf is a bipedo and he's going to drop you like a hot potato when you get masc. you can delay this for a few years but taking hrt but it is inevitable.

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>the older partner in an age gap relationship is controlling
who could have predicted this

Yes...? We got along. I've always been mentally older than my age.

oh no no no

>the younger partner in an age gap relationship thinks of themselves as mature for their age
why is it always the same patterns and copes

not him but can hrt reanimate a gay corpse

why do queers always jump to commodify themselves and others?

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anyone have the other version of this?

How? Big if true.
Because it's true and redpilled.

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>How? Big if true.
you misread, i was asking, not stating