White people can't be gay, so most of you guys are just mentally ill

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"""anti"""-racism was a mistake. Why do niggas have to make everything about themselves?

can you tell me how to not be gay? i'm sick of it.
>non white homo


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I'm brown and I hate shit like this. they're not privileged, some people are an ass to me and they shouldn't. it''s such a dumb reversal. Privilege is something that should be stripped down, basic human rights (or sometimes not having them all even) isn't a privilege.

"Bisexual" women are at it again

They do this all of the fucking time to spin their hateful agenda, I'm really not surprised. Pathetic

Brown pipo are always white asskissers it's so tiring

and whiteys are always brown asskissers
like yin and yang, we complete each other

>hot take
glad to know that even with the twitter brain rot they're still self-aware enough to instinctively know that what they're saying is retarded

Wow, the real article is just as awful as the fake one


>no argument

Why do you people always fail at writing fake headlines well. Why is researchers ccapitalized. Why is privilege spelled like that. This website doesnt end their headlines with periods. "White people cannot be gay, researchers conclude" makes zero sense itself. Make better bait

No it isn't. It's trite and substanceless but it's not really wrong and definitely not as ridiculously dumb as this weak attempt at bait from this english as a second languager

Please explain how it isn't

>White queer folks MUST
No, I don't think I will

"White people benefit from racism" is not a particularly new or interesting take. it is very basic. this article is restating the most basic observations within lgbt communities and applying that basic take to it. the whole article is simple and basic.
The fake pic on the other hand simply makes no sense and sounds extremely dumb such that no sane person would take it seriously or fall for it

"White people benefit from racism" is nearly as retarded as the fake headline. How does a homeless white tranny benefit from racism against black people? By and large most racists are also anti-LGBT. How does a homeless white faggot "play a role in the harm experienced by their Black and Brown siblings"?

I'm not reading the article because you're right, it's going to be the same retarded recycled Tumblr/twitter talking points ad nauseum. White queer people don't harm black or brown people just by existing

fewer opportunities for black people means more for white people. when people are talking about these things they’re talking about how things function from an institutional level not an individual one

What is with your insistence on talking about homeless people instead of the class of more well-off white gay men you know the article is talking about.