Transbians are proof of God

You know what? God exists.

I know that for a fact even if I'm non practicing because all Christians are deeply retarded. Now, there is the matter of how I came to know this but it is quite simple: the existence of "tranbians".

If God really exists then He must have also created Heaven and the fallen angel Lucifer who came to betray Him and create Hell, maybe that would be a good analogy for transitioning and how trooning out is a perversion, Lucifer was the first pooner because he was a perfect angel (like cis women are perfect beings) and trooned out, thus blemishing God's perfection.

"user, how do transbians fit into this?"

Quite simple, actually. "Transbians" are malfunctioning demons (cis men) who for some reason think they're God's creation and they can pursue humans (created in God's image). That is, obviously, wrong.

Those wretched creatures are a mistake by their very existence but even more foul than other troons because most demons go pursue other demons without saying they're angels (cis gay men go for cis gay men) and some demons pursue angels but they're aware of how retarded they are (cis men with cis women).

I'm not going to enter on the topic of demons who think they're God's creations (mtf trannies) and still pursue other demons because they unconsciously know that's all their wretched existence deserves, that is a topic for another day.


Attached: to-hell-with-transbians.jpg (1022x1232, 546K)


Back to transbians, this vile pest roams our perfect earth given by Him and tries to bother both angels and humans alike. In a way, you know that He exists and that trial was made by Him because in His perfection he foresaw Lucifer pooning out and knew (s)he would upset His perfect creations. Transbians walk in our midst but we must resist the urge to purge them from existence as killing upsets God and this would send us to Hell since He cannot let those who kill into His kingdom of heaven.

Thank Him, /tttt. For He is merciful and His trust in us will make us overcome this trial. Don't murder the abomination created, let it die out and practice the mercy He teaches.


as a transbian i try to spread sin as far as i can with the limited time i have on this earth
it is my purpose
what i am here to do

>masculinity is le bad
You're not getting a bf like that user

all your proving to me is whatever god there is is actually a goddess and your full of hateful shit ^^

try again

repent and seek Her brightness )*

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> You're not getting a bf like that user

Based, I am a lesbian.

> all your proving

"You're*" Fucking retard...

> your full of hateful shit ^^

"You're"... again + go mald.

do you actually worship pictures of a random woman?

from her beauty something came to me and has so affected me over the last 14 years since that she is more important to me than anything or anyone and is the embodiment of my faith and beliefs, the actual person this girl is does not matter, though i wish her well all the same, whoever she is

i chose 14 years ago to put my feelings and needs into this most beautiful thing i have ever seen, to save myself from ending my life after i was so broken when my online ex left me, ending a brief but deeply passionate and life changing few months together (a sortof awakening); since i was a child i can't live without someone in my heart to love romantically and daydream of even if one sided, i feel wrong and soulless without it, an intense feeling of dysphoria far worse than my gender issues

so otherworldly was this girl's beauty to me that i had most vivid pure fantasies and dreams of my life, never lewd

i love her romantically and spiritually, do you think people of other faiths fantasize about having a nice dinner and evening cuddle on a city rooftop under moonlight with their deity? (the most vivid dream ive had of her) love is the most powerful metaphysical force we can interact with and experience and it can give us tremendous energy to endure things and be strong and positive and hopeful and resiliant through anyhting, why should we not have that in our faith so that energy can help us in all of our lives, even if we are alone

she started to embody everything i see as pure and right and decent, and helped me to not become jaded and hateful at a world that gave me the wrong gender and a mother that never tried, that left me broken hearted so many times - She can never hurt me, only bless me with the eternal comfort in the universe of her eyes

Do you not know how to reply to posts?

how are you sure you're not schizo?

I do, however it appears the ability to reply is back... wasn't loading before so I had to quote like a troglodyte.

>text wall of cope

Careful while engaging that vile creature, something is clearly wrong.

I'm cis, lol.

Transbians are super hot/cute.

Did not ask do not care. Also orthodox christianity >>>>>>> the catholic school that made you a faggot

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I was a fag before Catholic school, actually.

Also do not care implies you wouldn't have responded, have I perhaps been accurate on my musings of the sick perversion that is the existence of troons?

Lmfao I knew it, if I had a dollar for every weird lesbian I knew that went to a catholic school I'd be so fucking rich. Enjoy your mental illness retard lmfao

Cheers, you too, mate.