Forced weight loss

how can i convince someone trustworthy to lock me up for 2+ years and not let me consume anything but water and my meds
i'm fat enough to survive it, people have told me it would kill me anyway somehow but i don't believe it, starvation mode is a meme. i'd gladly do this to myself if i had the willpower but i don't, i've tried, i'm too weak willed and pathetic and stupid
do you think the healthcare system (usa, cali) would do this for me if i told them i'm going to kill myself if they don't? because, in my defense, i wouldn't be lying

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I’ll do this for you and also rape you every day :3

rlly doubt you'd feel the same if you saw me but where at


you need salt and vitamins and protein user, you can't survive off of just water and burning fat

this is true and i thank the stars for it.
the rest is pretty low-quality bait to be hon
i soft-disagree. as in i don't discount the possibility that you're right.
would very much prefer to do this through the healthcare system if possible as they'll know what they're doing and won't kill me on accident. i'm gonna talk to them about this. sadly i doubt they'd be amenable

Look at what happens to people on the show "Alone". Some of them starve for 2-3 months and need to be hospitalized after the show. You'd die before the year finishes

those people start out healthy.
i, on the other hand, have what it takes to starve for a year built onto my body

You'll get major gallstones OP, you gotta do it slow even though it sucks.

ah those won't be a concern, i've already had to have my gallbladder removed because i successfully lost some weight once before and got gallstones while gaining it back because i have no self control

this is the opposite of true. is this what """body positive mutts""" actually believe? pick up a barbell.

Attached: im dying shepard.gif (400x282, 1.91M)

alright. i can't find any evidence what i'm suggesting exists. i read about jaw wiring, seems good but all i can find about it is how appalled everyone is, nothing about how to actually get it, i think it got cancelled. plus it's designed so the patient can just take it off if they really want to anyway, what fucking use is that. plus my teeth are probably too rotten for a good fit.
i don't know what to do other than give it one last shot on my own. no eating until i'm sub-150. if i do it's red berries and/or green vegetables only. no butter/oil/sugar/etc obviously. no other fruits or vegetables, just red berries and/or green vegetables, once a day at most, preferably not even that most days, will save for willpower emergency. whole only. not blended. unsweetened black coffee is also ok.
if i end up in excruciating abdominal pain or pass out, i'll go to the doctor. if the bloodwork says there's a problem, i'll fix it. if the only fix is to stop, i'll stop. if an exception is socially unavoidable within reason, i'll except it, and get right back on track afterward. short of all that, if i stop for anything else, i'm going to assemble the exit bag and kill myself.
this is my pledge to myself. jaime m


I'll starve you first, then rape you.

there's medications for binge eating disorders you know
bupropion is prescribed for it. adderall works better and with significantly less negative effects [in healthy individuals] but you'll probably need an adhd diagnosis depending on where you live and how accommodating your doctor is to off-label use
i was on both [not for binge eating disorder though, i'm thin], only on adderall now. still have trouble eating 3 meals a day. its like food doesn't give out dopamine anymore. like, it still tastes good and whatever but its like i dont really care? halfway through a flavoured yogurt i get bored and consider throwing it out even though its like 3 spoonfuls worth of food

i think they're referring to bmr but they were pretty wishy-washy about it

Op, speaking from personal experience, weight loss surgery for the win.

yeah ive tried those. bupropion worked but turned me suicidal, adderall worked but my hypertension was a contraindication that had slipped under the radar. currently on lisdexamfetamine. it worked great at first but you build up a tolerance to it, i end up needing more for the same behavioral-corrective strength
yeah? ive thought about it but it seems wrong somehow, like i ate the shit, i deserve the discomfort involved in burning it off. i know thats stupid brainwormed thinking. maybe ill look into it after all, it should at least be a sooner consideration than suicide

>bupropion worked but turned me suicidal, adderall worked but my hypertension was a contraindication that had slipped under the radar
>im gonna exit bag myself lol
jesus i'm insufferable. going from wanting to die straight to worrying about my health and straight back. fake as fuck weak ass bitch and i don't even realize it more than half the time

Have you tried a non-shit diet and realistic expectations, user?
The key to successful dieting is to **actually do the diet and not giving up.**
You need a diet that's balanced between adequate progress and limiting misery so you don't give up.

Drop to a single meal a day and calorie count it. If you have a job, have your meal after work so you have something to look forward to, it'll help get you through your shift. Make your meal whatever food you want, just limit the calories. If the hunger pangs become unbearable, take 500kcal from your main meal and steam some vegetables. 500 kcal of vegetables is a damn lot of veg, it'll definitely stop the feelings of hunger.

Exercise doesn't matter if you aren't on a calorie deficit. If you can't do maths and calorie count, or you are incapable of setting realistic expectations, go get a stomach bypass and you'll basically be going full-starve mode whilst feeling full and nourished all of the time.

yeah i've tried this. it was really hard for minimal benefit, even when i was keeping my total high enough to avoid physical discomfort my cravings were still worse than ever and i already can barely control them when i'm not even dieting. fasting was actually easier, i was able to stick to it longer, the cravings were still there but when fasting i found myself more able to resist them, doesn't make sense but there you go. i chickened out when i got severe abdominal pain a couple weeks in, never went back, but i believe i understand what i did wrong and can avoid it this time, electrolytes problem. the hard part is starting so if i can just get through the first few days i'll be good to go