Reusing needles

how bad would it be? specifically insulin ones. really desperate currently and i know its not good

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Can't you go to a pharmacy and get some


You'll fuck yourself up internally became needles bend after you use it. So it's gonna cause some damage coming out. Just buy more.

ok for starters. go scrounge some quarters out of a fountain or something and scrape together some money for fresh insulin needles, theyre so fucking cheap you have no excuse for needi g to reuse them. but yes technicly you could. personaly i would fill a small bowl with rubbing alcohol to suck up into and squirt out of to sanitise and flush out the needles best you can, and maybe a rinse with distilled water after. but theybrealy are SINGLE USE items and with how cheap they are you should never reuse. they will get worse and worse and cause more and more tissue damage with each use beyond whats intended, and obviously it's unsanitery. you CAN but what you SHOULD do it hop on amazon or ebay or whatever and just buy a box of easytouch insulin needles, theyre literaly so fucking cheap wtf are you doing?

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extremely bad. they're so fragile that when you use them even once... actually fuck it i don't feel like explaining, just don't do it and watch this youtube video

I've reused needles for self harm and they left no permanent damage, but i didn't inject anything and as I say, it was self harm so ymmv

you're a fucking retard, this is dangerous advice, it is in NO way okay under any circumstances. dumbass

needles are cheap
if you're so broke that you can't afford inexpensive insulin needles, go to your closest needle exchange for free replacements (if you have one in your city)

my advice was for them to buy new fucking needles. the only reason i even mention sterilising them is because theres a decent chance the tard will ignore my warnings and everyone else and do it anyways, so they may as well avoid sepsis while being retarded

Not really a good idea.

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run bleach through em once or twice, then rinse. that's what they used to do during the aids epidemic among h users to avoid spread. gl op, be safe and obviously get new needles if that's at all possible

it can cause your subcutaneous fat to harden and stop your hrt absorbing if you reuse them enough.
just buy more they're dirt cheap

ime the pharmacies refuse to sell them to prevent their use for drugs there's like one around here that'll sell them.

Are you fucking retarded?

Needles are giga cheap and the risk is significant. Save the money somewhere else - I'd legit recommend skipping meals over needle reuse.

Americans are fucking crazy

Nice dubs. I always reuse needles. Wipe skin with alcohol, wipe needle and reuse. Artist rendition. Used a magnifying lens. Unless your skin is made of rocks it’s the same.


the most I'll do is re-attempt a jab with the same needle in the same general alcohol-wiped area if it hurts or feels "wrong" when I'm doing my weekly intra-muscular injection, I strongly prefer not to but I haven't had any bad results except being a little more sore (and it's been probably only a couple of times) especially since I switched to those syringes with the interchangeable draw/inject needles

I live in the US and I got mine from a pharmacy for like 20 cents a piece. It varies by state I think though.
You really should. You can get insulin needles without a prescription from Walmart.