DMAB (Designated) >>>>>> AMAB (Assigned)

DMAB (Designated) >>>>>> AMAB (Assigned)

Come at me.

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shut up no one cares

Im saying this as a closeted tranner btwm Im not using the boymoder flag as a meme and Im not being anti-trans.

Im just saying "Assigned" is like doctors who recognize the physical sex characteristics of a child that they most likely will grow up into are not somehow arbitrarily oppressing people or something.

Easier to say amab because saying two consonants sounds retarded

idk amab and afab are more fun to say

also theyfab is a funny and it wouldn't work with a D instead

The words we use matter to some extant. We are strengthening the conservacucks. This is aso a come at me.

They mean the same thing anyway

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Feels good to be male

Both mean the exact same thing, second screenshot since you guys are too retarded to look it up anyway

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It has a different naunce.

Assigned is... wait...

>Assigned: sounds like it could be changed
>Designated: sounds irreovocable. Conservacuck: "So a doctor *designated* you male? A professional doctor?"
Okay, but I still think AMAB sounds more aggressive and plays into retarded narratives too well.

Meds, who fucking cares do you seriously think conservatives will think that far into it you fucking autist. It means the exact same fucking thing, also why are you doing this to please rightoids, that is cowardly. They sound the exact god damn same.

To further explain why I think this:
I repped really hard for years. One of the reasons was because of the phrases people used and the the atupid feminazi posters I would see all over campus thay sounded so aggressive, it made me listen to morons like Sargon.

Terms like "Assigned [Male/Female] At Birth" made me rep because it played into the narrative of aggressive "Did you just assume my gender???" bullshit that I thought all or many tranners either totally played into, or were exposed to a bit and indirectly warped by such that they decided to change their body for, like, scholarships or something.

I disagree because AMAB can be pronounced like a word. Now try saying "DMAB". There's no way you manage without it sounding like you're speaking Arabic.
If you were a brainwormed by ben shabibo I don't think this nuance shift would've saved you, user.

They didnt to me...
They dont to me and this fucked with me.

And yes, I did watch some od that retarded conservative anti-trans """documentary""" and they used the AMAB label in the exact way that I am trying to communicate.
DMAB acknowledges at least that doctors arent assigning sex like like an HR exec assigns jobs.

I cant be the only one that sees this.

You just say "dee-mab"...

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Alyhough, that might be a fair point it woulsnt have saved me. Tbf, I was still very much a left liberal overall, just that the conservatives and TERFs managed to change some of my opinions by having certain conservatives or semi-conservative types appeal to insecurities about college and fears surrounding how much of a shy virgin I am, and having this reinforced by borrowing TERF, like being trans is chosen self-hatred against oneself for being male that needs to be solved through etc etc.

Or...I dont know. But I slipped.
I say they "used" that, but I dont know because all my sociopolitical views are fucked now.

Biologically male >>>>> both.

>assign: to designate
>designate: to assign
lmao, I love dictionaries

Can I cum on you instead?
Not a chaser, it's a matter of principle.

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Yeah I agree on that.
There's more to biology than just chromosomes, user. Most doctors would agree that HRT causes an induced intersex state.

But thats hard because we still dont know that brain map theory isnt a thing

Of course that said, reaearch into that should probably be banned because it will lead to a "cure" for one's personal human condition, one's personal mind, that could lay the groundwork for people trying to forcibly "correct" us at some point which is intrinsically unethical for a myriad of reasons.

good morning sirs and madams

Natal male, then.

Oh. Thats actually pretty good.

Thats perfect, in fact except that IDK it really rolls of the tongue as well.) and trying to make it otherwise kind of makes it sound silly
>natmale? matal?

As an abbrevation it would just be NM which seems too short and a little awkward somehow. NB can at least be called enby. NM would be enem I guess? But that sounds a bit awkward, I think.

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