Any other boymoders get sexually harassed at their jobs...

any other boymoders get sexually harassed at their jobs? there's this ugly old man who constantly comes in and says weird shit to me. at this point i'm not really sure what to do.

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Yeah I'm boymoding at work but my gay manager keeps being too nice towards me even tho I make a bunch of mistakes... he touched my face and back in a creepy way multiple times and keeps making sexual jokes related to gay sex or penises. I told my bf and he almost went to the place i work at to punch my manager out of rage :(

Bad girlfriend, shouldn't put yourself into positions that will piss your bf off, stand up for yourself so he's not forced to in your stead growing eventual resentment. "Don't ever touch me without asking first again" "That was inappropriate to say" Are both completely acceptable and encouraged things to say in the workplace.

that sucks. nice that you have a boyfriend who wants to protect you though.
easier said than done.

>easier said than done.
uwot , I'm suggesting using words, saying something. What can easier said than done mean when the topic is saying something? Fucking weird.

i mean that it's easy for you to suggest that but in reality it's not as simple as saying "oh hey manager please stop sexually harassing me" and having the problem be solved.

That is not what I told the user to say. Anyone speaking the way you did is never going to be treated with respect. Literally stand up for yourself, it's the default behavior and requires massive restraint not to do. Indoctrination into a system of power and authority figures which one should be subservient towards doesn't represent reality in the slightest.

I'm just going to find another job, i don't like this job for the most part anyway and manager been kinda chilling down with his creepy behavior since I started to present myself more fem at work

>Indoctrination into a system of power and authority figures which one should be subservient towards doesn't represent reality in the slightest.
bro what are you talking about

Sorry op i kinda took over the thread, what for type of things does he say to you and maybe there's someone that you can tell about this at HR or some kind of manager?

An example of what could lead someone into letting themselves get abused. Not implying it's yours, just an example. Growing up in a household where the parents words were law to not be questioned would lead to this.

you understand you lose your job when you do things like that right?


it must be nice to live in a just world. the rest of us have to put up with shit to prevent even worse shit.

The world is only as just as you make it. No justice happens accidentally nor does karma even things out for you.

it's ok lol.
he would come in a lot and at first he would just tell me to be a good boy. obviously now i know that him saying that was weird as fuck but at the time i just thought he was a weird old man. eventually he started getting more obvious. complimenting my hair and eyes and stuff. he also caresses my hand every time i hand him a receipt.
i've told people about it but i think because i'm a guy they brush it off. i don't know what to do beyond just humor him. i really don't want to start a scene and humiliate myself though. plus i feel like it's partly my fault because i haven't really done anything about it.

Oh so it's a customer that might be even harder to deal with
Try telling him it's inappropriate and pull back your hand when he tries to caress your hand again
Honestly don't know how I'd handle it in your situation sorry, i know it can be scary to confront people about it

well woohoo for you having more self-esteem than the rest of us. most of us get walked on because we deserve it.

I'm not going to offer advice because I wouldn't do anything either but I get your feelings.

Give up the bussy

Nobody deserves to get walked on that is a blatant lie. Most people do get walked on but due to ignorance as to how they could get out of / avoid / correct the situation. They need more education/ to be raised more thoroughly before released out into the world.

he's literally been doing it for months. i can't really stand up for myself at this point since i've let him do it for months.
i think he's fucking with me honestly. he has a wife and kids (i went to high school with one of them and he knows that) so i don't understand why he does it. it has to be just a way to mock me for looking gay.
thanks. i honestly am probably not going to do anything, i just wanted to vent.