Thoughts on this?

Thoughts on this?

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it's reddit

i love that the "transphobic language" is going to become a bigger issue than the lack of abortion rights
the left is done for lmao

if I were a multibillionaire I would personally pay for every single ftm on planet earth to get a hysterectomy solely so these people can shut the fuck up about this

i don't care about trans men. in fact, i don't care about any men.

abortion is a women's rights issue


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This is basically the terf version of being mad at the black and brown stripes on the lgbt flag

That is to say, totally justified being annoyed that unrelated gripes are distracting from the main issue

I think she's retarded and that people shouldn't have to cater to trannies in situations like these.
Who tf cares, 99% of people with wombs are women. The ones who don't shouldn't take it personally, it isn't about them. How hard can it be to be a reasonable person.

if you actually think that’s going to happen you are a retard

can we not? we're already getting enough shit with all the transition bans, we don't need to try and make roe vs wade about us too.


someone who has a reddit account suould tell this retard to shut the fuck up

What's funny is people will see this and still use it as an example of how men are trying to erase women, by people who definitely wouldn't see trans men as men

Some are trans men, but yeah who cares.
If you consider trans men to be women there are still intersex people with wombs so go eat shit.
It doesn't even matter, using simple easier language shouldn't be condemned either way. Complaints like the op are so pointless and stupid anyway.

so cis women
>trans men
yeah I can understand some annoyance I guess but they usually don't like to talk about it
>not every woman has a uterus
sure and some of them don't have hands with which to type either. no uterus cis women are still more common than trans women but everybody knows we're an exception.

she/he/it/they should shut/the/fuck/up

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They just need to coin a word for people with functioning uteruses. It affects some underage girls, it doesn't affect postmenopausal women, it doesn't affect anyone who got a hysterectomy, etc etc

honestly, i just miss the words

i tried to write like 3 times already

i just can't, i just can't express how frustrated i got after reading such a retarded post

modern trans activism was a huge mistake, and the fact that such a tone-deaf, pedantic and idiotic post was actually given any thought instead of being completely ignored and left dead on new just shows how many of this community is willing to give space to the most utopic and stupid ideas ever

i swear to god these people must be terminally online or incredibly sheltered. if you touch grass just a little bit you'll realize that people have faaaar bigger problems and that no one will take you seriously outside of your retarded reddit bubble if you prioritize things like that, ffs?

my god, these people make us look soooooo bad, i just pray to god i can stealth one day

I was about to say that at least r mtf is as proper a forum as it gets for "let's talk about how abortion affects the trans women" but I looked again and of course it was r asktransgender

It’s fine to just say women. I won’t take it personally.

Honestly I'm tired of having to cater to cis women. I'm a trans woman, I only date men and other trans women, there is 0 chances me or a partner of mine will need an abortion. Now Roe got nuked and everyone expects me to give a shit but I just don't fucking care. I've been hearing both sides seething over Roe as long as I've been following politics and this has been going on before Roe was even decided in 1973. I'm tired of hearing about this mess.

you think this is where it's going to end? gay marriage and sodomy will be outlawed soon enough and you will be arrested for being with a man or trans woman. if you don't start caring now, there won't be anyone left to speak for you when they come after you

under his eye

worlds first good boymoder flag post