Advice for chasers that want a loyal trans gf

Advice for chasers that want a loyal trans gf
Get yourself a tranner early in her transition and be kind to her

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>suggesting literal grooming

best advice, she may not be super pretty now, but give it a few more years on hrt and time to voice train and do makeup, and you'll have a hot tranner gf. degen's bf did this and now he has a hot tranner gf

I just want a bf user
Exactly this, thanks for describing it in detail

You can’t be a slob though. Good strat in theory. Until your gf is ridiculously hot, confident and effectively stealth to strangers. While you’re an out of shape dork with bad hygiene, style, social skills, etc. She may be super loyal ball and chain, or try and help you improve yourself alongside her. Or she’ll jump for an upgrade.

Chaser bf when

Then just improve and don't be a disgusting slob?

Just be attractive and dominant and I’ll suck your dick every day that simple desu

If your chaser bf takes you on early in transition and you leave him one you pass for someone hotter/richer I hope you eat a tank shell. Unless he changes drastically that it is too difficult to be around that person, becomes abusive, becomes obese like nikocadoavocado levels, neets for a couple months.

Duh. Not speaking first hand. Just saying that a lot of incel types don’t think this through when they think the early transition girl is the ideal partner

Oh alright then
But yeah if I reached my full potential and mt bf turned into a slob I'd try to get him to improve or break it off with him

you don't need to find someone early for them to be loyal
and i always try to be kind no matter who i'm talking to

Yeah I didn't say that it's a requirement
I just gave out a good strategy

If they're fembrained, they won't be loyal. Make sure to go for the nerdy, autistic, awkward, malebrained boymoder instead.

Don't be misogynistic

Being nice to women literally never works, as soon as she develops healthy self esteem she’s disgusted by herself for settling for somebody who was just nice and will go find somebody she actually respects and finds interesting instead.

>Get yourself a tranner early in her transition and be kind to her
Get yourself a man and spend money on him. erm no. I only fuck girls.

May I redirect you to

>best advice, she may not be super pretty now, but give it a few more years on hrt and time to voice train and do makeup, and you'll have a hot tranner gf. degen's bf did this and now he has a hot tranner gf
yeah but what are the odds the early HRT boymoder I pick up is gonna look like degen. practically zero

I'd still be willing to do it because I'm not shallow, but don't get everyone's hopes up

Probably my bf did this evaluation when we first met and oh boy if he’s in for a huge disappointment

i hope Snurly sees this! very cute and weird lol

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What are you, a chud? My gf has the right to cuck me whenever she pleases


my bf is literally this rn
we were together for like 2 years before i came out and hes so sweet and encouraging
im only 3 months into transition so some days are really hard but he always tells me what a pretty girl i'm gonna be and makes me feel better
i wanna be beautiful for him

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what is infidelity if not the purest form of love?

Send it to her if you can

seek help