Have any tranners here spent time in a psych ward? How was it?

Have any tranners here spent time in a psych ward? How was it?

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Pretty nice! Since I'm a tranny they let me have my own room instead of having to share. They got me on a lot of meds and now I'm doing much better in general.

I spent one day in one. It was pretty boring so I left

two stints as a teen, one voluntary after I cut myself badly enough to need medical attention (still got the gnarly stitch marks) and one I think I was held at after ODing on pills (I don't remember the first night or two)

being stuck anywhere and "handled" like that is maddening in its own way but it was nice to have my basic needs taken care of without guilt or confusion and to get a break from my mother and the drama of my girlfriend, I started doing better and ended up out pretty quick both times (I still wasn't addressing anything to do with my dysphoria and I didn't get out of either of those other situations for years so it just got worse again anyway)

been 6 times (all adult). can also vouch that most the times as a troon you get your own room. not a big fan, never really helped me. they at least keep you pretty safe. only 1 time did i have dudes be weird around me, and the super creepy one was transferred elsewhere.

I've visited someone else in one if that counts. I was only 7 at the time. It seemed okay. There was a vending machine and a pool table. And a TV. And an outdoor area. And also lots of mentally ill people, including my mother.

they gave me my own room because im a tranny
we are truly a privileged people
but honestly i liked it
ive been the most happy in the past 5 years when j was instituted
i kinda miss it honestly

it’s boring

the only bad thing was that they didnt let me have my blahaj
both times!!!!! no blahaj :(

that’s a hatecrime i think

it should be

ive only been to normal hospitals but i did spend 2 full months in 2018, i probably should have been put in the psy ward after that because the abusive doctor fucked up my head badly after making me do humiliating things under the threat he would send me home while i was still bleeding profuseley every time i went to the toilet and every meal set off excruciating chainsaw-thru-tummy pain that required iv dilauded to stop, i was in tears every time i ate so i had to stay until it had stopped setting it off like that, the treatments i was getting were very slow because the super steroids i was getting to stop my bleeding to death is very dangerous and has to be goven vey slowly over several days (Cyclosporine) and having the proper levels of it is hard to maintain

anyways, after that mess with the doctor i needed xanax for a while but they took it away since i was on a ton of opioids too at the time, i went home in alot of pain anyways and then a few weeks later injured my spine and refused to go back, ive been thru horrible things with these problems..

i actually think i would benefit alot from going to psy hospital for a few days, so if i have another full flipout breakdown like ive had twice this year i will be sure to go; i think they would try to take my goddess from me though which would not go well ^^;

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I got put in the women's section as a boymoder. I was molested and bullied and now I'm scared of cis women. I could have done more to stop it but I mostly just let it happen because I hate myself and I felt guilty being there because I don't feel like a real woman, so it felt like they had a right to hurt me.

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i'm not a tranny. my mother is an unhinged piece of shit that managed to get me locked once but i got out by the next day pretty much.

no one there did anything to me, just some obvious drug addict came to assess my level and that was it. but i obviously had to put a facade the entire time, i even heard someone commenting to someone else that there was a guy "who liked men" so that he could keep an eye on him. if i got to hear that comment by chance in only a couple of hours then imagine what doesn't happen in that place

>was involuntarily committed 2 weeks due to a suicide attempt.
>can't say much other than the severe boredom stressed me out a lot.
>Basically received zero treatment for my suicidal ideations,team didn't give a shit about me and had to do useless group therapy consisted of doing yoga for 30 mins
All I got out of it was 3 weeks worth of Lexapro I wish I can afford to get real help soon or im gonna try to Minecraft myself again.

Wait, I thought that was a meme. You people actually went there?

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bro dysphoria fucks with your head at a very low level I don't know if I buy into it but I've read that it should be considered being exposed to constant trauma to go untreated

>I got put in the women's section as a boymoder
wait really? how did that happen? did you tell them you were trans or did you just look feminine enough?

it was nice but im also a passing bitch so they assumed i was cis and treated me accordingly. my bff is a hon and she was treated horribly when she went

I was there for suicide attempt because of gender dysphoria which I told them.

some people are snitches and call the cops when you have one little suicidal episode

oh ok, either way i'm so sorry to hear about what you went through, user. i hope things got/get better for you!

first time i admitted myself, saw a girl snap at a drug seeker and one older lady who was going to rehab wouldnt stop staring at me calling me pretty n shit. was creepy and i did my best not to be an ass but god did i hate it.

second time i was put in the geriatric section cuz they didnt have beds and they forgot i was in the geriatric side for three days, some violent rapist would keep sneaking into my room and watching me, sometimes being over me when i would wake up so i slept on the floor in a corner
third time was interesting, demented old man pretended he was in vietnam, korea, bosnia, and a first responder in 9/11, also he made music and movies with snoop dogg and oprah, there was a lady with the word H O U S T O N tatted on her forehead, i figured out how to make glue with the coffee machine and glued a puzzle into one giant piece and the nurses didnt do a fucking thing about it cuz they didnt know what i was doing but now theres a brick of puzzle pieces in a landfill held together with creamer and sugar somewhere out there.

on all three occasions i was crept on hardcore and one or two lesbians would approach being like "heyyyyy lets get to know each other" which was like... lmao why would i wanna be in a relationship with a person i met in a ward, let alone a femoid

i'm glad i've never acted suicidal before outside the good ol ideation from time to time. reading these stories makes me never wanna get locked up in a grippy sock shit hole

are there other reasons you could get committed? i'm worried if i have a breakdown or something somebody would freak out and call the cops or something and i don't want that

passoids have no appreciation baka

yes, involuntary for a week
the situation that ended me up there was a result of antidepressant withdrawal without doctors approval. i found this out later when i stopped the antidepressant again and the suicidal thoughts only lasted a few days. after the withdrawal went away i felt noticeably better than when i was on the medication.
its fun because that was my second antidepressant. the first one i took made me suicidal as well.

in the ward they doubled the antidepressant dose + added antipsychotics and anxiolytics
dumped them pretty soon after getting out.

in the end it turned out that my depression was a combination of untreated ADHD (the doctor gave me antidepressants instead of stimulants when i was diagnosed... go figure) and an actual medical problem causing severe fatigue (now being treated). and its like... if anyone was as tired and focusless as i was, for as long as i was, you'd try to kill yourself too.

in my case, very much not an idiopathic case of depression. unfortunate that it took as long as it did to figure that out.

oh i appreciated it but it still makes me uncomfortable. female attention before i came out also made me recoil, made me wanna cry

Was in a sketchy ward first. Lots of sinister looking people, not very talkative, many with motor control issues, one guy was at least pretending to be Jesus. There were books that I just buried myself in and stayed away from everybody.
It got pretty clear that wasn’t where I should be so they brought me to the ward for higher functioning people and that was kinda nice. It was basically just playing board games and watching movies with other depressed people, we just couldn’t leave the ward and had to take medicine at scheduled time. Not half bad, and there were stocks of pudding and crackers that were constantly refilled so we could just gorge ourselves, would recommend
This was while I was repping though, I bet as an outright troon it could have been a lot dodgier