Pride in Oslo is officially cancelled after a terrorist attack at a gay bar

Pride in Oslo is officially cancelled after a terrorist attack at a gay bar

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Why do Europeans refuse to do something about the growth of radical Islam in their country? What level of cognitive dissonance are they on that they truly believe they can have a good and progressive society while at the same time harboring what is basically a parallel society full of extremists within them?

that cop is extremely attractive... *drool*

fully agree

Muslims are a threat to liberal democracy.

I'm pretty sure this one was done by a christian cuck like breivik though.

The attacker was Iranian so I highly doubt that.

Aryan chad

We don't know if it was a Muslim, racist bitch.

If you speak out against it you get called "islamophobe"

that post would still apply - we saw the power of christian extremists just yesterday

>The christian extremists that allowed each state to make laws as they please

>attacking a gay nightclub
>hours before pride parade
Pretty sure it's safe to assume it was related to Islamic terrorism, just like every other time. But go on and make excuses.

Source though? I can't find anything stating his origin.
>In a news conference Saturday, police officials said the man arrested after the shooting was a Norwegian citizen of Iranian origin who was previously known to police but not for major crimes.

lol you really don't get the magnitude of the decision

It's fucking insane. We've cucked ourselves in the name of "multiculturalism" and the most vulnerable in society are paying the price.

Fuck off, this isn't 2016 anymore.

You can't be racist against Muslims because they're not a race.

This shit will keep happening until either they stop letting in muslims, or they let people arm themselves as a second resort. But we know that second resort isnt happening in west/north europe ever. At least let this be a lesson to queer americans to arm themselves.

Of course they mention Breivik and Manshaus at the end lol

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Wdym they're niggers

You can already own guns in norway

Huh, what's the difference? We trashed mudslimes back then as well. They never change.
>must provide a reason
>self defense not a legit reason

Thank God, not every country is the school-shooting-homeland-of-the-free burgerstan

Funny timing. Yesterday they sentenced a neomuslim for a terrorist attack in october of 2021.

Read Lasch. A democracy that is ruled by an unelected court isn't a democracy.

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Access to semiauto high capacity rifles is vital to stop mobs of chuds from murdering you in the streets.

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If you didnt let in muslims from countries known to contain radical muslims, there wouldnt even need to be a gun debate. I live where firearms are completely illegal and I never felt like I needed one to defend against a violent fundamentalist. There has been zero mass shootings that ever occured here, whether against gay people or anyone else, that's why I am fine not having a gun. But if you fail to have sane immigration policy, leaving people afraid for their lives just for being visibly gay, of course they will clamor for a means of personal self-defense. You can circlejerk all you want about "school shootings" and "guns increase overall violence", but the hindbrains of most people will still react emotionally to the dangers around them and instinctively want a means of defending themselves. However, like I said, none of this would be an issue in the context of this thread, if you just didnt let in people who are high-risk.

In 2016 we'd get retarded leftists like who would keep denying the perpetrators were muslims.

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