Why does everyone say that T is poison? That doesn't make any sense...

Why does everyone say that T is poison? That doesn't make any sense, human bodies wouldn't produce poison to direct the growth of nearly half the population.

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silly woman it's not meant literally

Because people are retarded and can't see past their dysphoria

because they're angry that they dont pass
dont worry, i dont pass either. but youre still valid no matter what!

I'm a boy tho...

Ah, this makes sense.

But how would a repressor ever pass?

i say it does because it makes people dumber and more violent, but i will admit it has it's benafits. himbo chads should have high-T and take even more to be even better, but everyone else should be a eunich or estrogenised. all T does for an incel is make them act entitled and occasionaly shoot up a mall or some wierd shit. make non-chads all estrogenised males and like 80% of societys problems dissapear

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>it makes people dumber

Not really.

>everyone else should be a eunich or estrogenised
>all T does for an incel is make them act entitled and occasionaly shoot up a mall or some wierd shit
>make non-chads all estrogenised males



What what?

You say you don't pass, but how is passing a metric for a repressor? You can't ever pass while repressing.

Somehow I thought people would be more interested in discussing this topic.

Testosterone doesn't make you violent, that's literally just cartoon shit.
Cis women are fucking psychos just as often as cis men and I wasn't any more or less violent after hrt

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>Cis women are fucking psychos just as often as cis men

This is true. So it's just salty transgirls who wish they started hrt sooner then?

average ao3 user desu

yeah i mean that much seems obvious. they see T as poisonous because they see it as having ruined their bodies

yeah it's pretty simple, T ruined your body and hurt your mental state, now you think T is poison, simple as. it's like a joke 80% of the time tho

>human bodies wouldn't produce poison
Did you know that the human womb actively tries to terminate every pregnancy, and a "normal" pregnancy is an exhausting fight between the fetus and the mother? It works completely different than most lesser animals, who have a very easy time in comparison. Every human birth is almost literally a miracle.

Evolution is fucked.

"T is poison" is referring more to the long-term effects it has, and the behaviors it encourages.
T makes you more competitive, more aggressive, more violent, and more risk-taking.
T also contributes heavily to many different cancer types, and leads to much more rapid cell decay than women.

as a result, while more men are born, more women are alive, because men end up killing themselves and each other at a much higher rate, both accidentally and intentionally.

This is also part of the paradox of male success: more men are top 1% CEOs, but more men are also homeless junkies. T drives competition and risk-taking behavior to the point where males sometimes treat their lives like gambling, leading to big winners and even bigger losers.

so is T poison literally? ...not exactly, but having more of it in your system carries a lot more occupational hazards than people running on E.
>inb4 T doesn't cause violence
98% of sexual assault is done by men
86% of all violent crimes are done by men
roughly 70% of all murders are done by men
and this is borne out in every culture across the historical record.

I think we have enough conclusive evidence at this point to say that testosterone makes you more prone to violent outbursts

>98% of sexual assault is done by men
Sexual violence committed by women against men is not legally sexual violence in many nations, and is not socially considered violence everywhere. Studies rewording traditional questions on surveys given to men show that as much as 100% of male respondents confirmed a woman coerced them into sex at one point, which is rape.
>86% of all violent crimes are done by men
See above. Violence committed by women is often not considered violence, is not reported to the police, and so is never tracked. Men are also significantly less likely to seek charges against women who commit violence against them than women are to seek charges against men, families are less likely to get involved, etc. And, again, society in general does not perceive the violence women commit as "real violence".
>roughly 70% of all murders are done by men
That one is true, but mostly because women suck at killing people and not for a lack of trying.
>i think we have conclusive evidence
Like the "conclusive evidence" from the 70's and 80's that chows were the most dangerous breed of dog, which everyone has completely forgotten to hyper fixate on pitbulls? Your statistics are lopsided because of biases that researchers literally don't bother to account for. Much like dogs, where everyone thinks pitbulls are the most violent breed, the reality is that the micro breeds are just as violent - if not more so - than any pitmix that's out there. The difference is that no one cares when a dachshund or chihuahua nips your ankles. In the same way, no one even bothers to record it as "real violence" when women routinely assault their spouses, significant others, other women, etc., because women don't have the physical capacity to hurt people that a man has.

On that note, the rest of your argument is all social phenomena, not biological realities. The only thing the T provides is more muscle mass and denser bones.

I used to curse when I stubbed my toe, but since taking T blockers, I don't get mad at all

t. retard with no grasp on statistics or biology whose entire worldview is founded upon personal anecdotal experiences
Testosterone absolutely increases aggression, it's why one of the symptoms of the XYY syndrome is literally increased aggression and why men are more impulsive and on average commit far more crimes, particularly violent ones.

wasn't that disproven in the 19th century?

Ok so people seem to think that violence makes T poison. I disagree, both on T making you more violent and on violence being evidence of poison.

eunuchs lived longer than the average man, with socioeconomic conditions controlled for

Because when I (a male) have literally injected testosterone in the past, on a doctor's recommendation... and that testosterone felt like poison entering my veins. I even broke down into tears in the doctor's office, totally involuntarily.

It's like I'm allergic to testosterone or something.

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It's just self hating transbians

>like 80% of societys problems dissapear
Estrogen is the hormone of noble savages for some trannies