I look in the mirror

and feel such intense disgust with my body for not being masculine enough that it makes me wanna just get back in bed and drink myself to death. For this reason I will be leaning into my emasculate bodies ideal form with HRT, despite not having gender dysphoria but actually having body dysmorphia.

If this makes my life worse I'll kms. If I do nothing I'll kms anyway. Actually I've BEEN kms just slowly through hardcore alcohol and drug abuse for years. Wish me luck faggots

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wait im confused. are you forcefemming yourself because you hate not being manly enough or are you taking roids to get manlier?

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Literally just lift

good luck hrtchad

This . It's such an easy problem to solve and exercise is great for your mental health

My body is incapable of being masculine due to height, bone structure, and terminal cis ayden poon skull. Therefore I will be leaning into what is seemingly my bodies preferred state by leveraging estrogen.

Dubs never lie, user.
I've been lifting lately to evolve from twink to twunk. Soon I will look like a greek god.

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testosterone and a weights rack in your garage would probably do you more good but if you wanna make yourself a girl as a cope go nuts ig. not gonna argue with one less angsty t-poisoning victim

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How big is your dick?
You must be brownoid...
Date within your race
There are guys who will find you cute.

Seriously overcompensating by building muscle will make you feel better and distract you from your poon skull. And you'll actually pass

What exercises are you doing? How often? How much do you eat?
>muh height
>muh bone structure
>muh poon skull
Stop giving yourself excuses, in the worst case scenario if you really want to "lean into your body's preferred shape" -whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean, to me it's cope- you can do so without irredeemably estrogenizing yourself. Conetits look so fucking ugly on detranners (sorry).

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I did the bodybuilder cope in my late teens and it did nothing for me evidently because I eventually just dropped it all and entered the depression I'm still currently in almost a decade later. I feel inferior on a genetic level to other men so bad that no amount of muscles will fix it.

Your feelings of inferiority and/or guilt need counseling or professional help to be worked with and estrogen won't fix them.

Post physique

As you can see I am built like a woman


By the way I am not pushing my ass out or arching my back; I just simply have that dramatic of an arch naturally. Even when I was bodybuilding 8 years ago I was doing corrective exercises and stretches for lordosis and none of it had any effect because it's not a product of unhealthy physiology; it's just my natural build.

I also have stick thin fore arms and wrists, which I was always insecure about, much like my arched back/ass and micro skull. I'm made to be a female.

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That's a really shitty picture but you don't seem built like a woman at all, it just looks like you haven't lifted in a good while and it's time to pick that shit up

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ur torso is weirdly small

It looks like he's either not in a very good posture but not necessarily "weirdly small" to me, there's also the angle to take into account. If it's not a weird pose trying to turn around it could be (mild) lordosis, but I'm not a doctor

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You have gyno and look short.
I like your legs, they look manly.

This pose has strong bottom energy

there legs are just hairy if they shaved it wouldnt look as manly

I've had gyno all my life. If I lose some weight and get on HRT I think I could pass fuck it wish me luck homies.

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good luck hope you look hot