What is his problem...

What is his problem? He has been on a war path recently and it's only a matter of time before he comes to black trannies next.

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trying to distract from his Q brainwormed wife

and he's gonna die soon, gotta do as much damage while he still can

He wants everyone who doesn't align with him politically to be just as miserable as he is. Do you think that is the face of a happy man?

same reason putin started acting up. He's getting old, probably recently had a health scare, needs to make a legacy before he dies.

i got one word for justice clarence thomas

Oooooohhh let me guess which one it is

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What is it? Does it begin with a Z?

Some tranny nutjob is gonna kill this Uncle Tom nigger.

I would guess it starts with "L" and ends with "oving v. Virginia"
the reasoning behind it is literally identical to the reasoning for abortion rights and gay marriage rights (equal protections and due rights clauses of the 14th Amendment)
he wants to repeal Obergefell specifically, which is based almost entirely on Loving.

Yet somehow, methinks the based black man with the white wife will not be so keen on repeal of Loving, despite it making sense to do so according to his own argument
fucking hypocrite, rights for me but not for thee, the conservative classic.

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biden ruined his confirmation hearings so he’s ruining his presidency

I doubt it. The closest you are going to get is a federal agent playing pretend in a false flag.

he'll drop dead before that, i bet he never leaves his house unless it's necessary

Sounds like a threat. Im reporting this to the FBI. With the new red flag laws, hope you don't have guns.

And people really want us to believe that black leftists and black conservatives are any different... LMAO. That's why I don't vote. Both parties are controlled by white men anyway, the choice is just an illusion

His problem is that he was nominated to replace one of the greatest American lawyers and jurists of all time. In comparison, Thomas is universally regarded as one of the single worst judges in the history of the Supreme Court. His briefs have been thoroughly unhinged and had little basis in constitutional law throughout his tenure on the bench, and people have more or less been calling him an uncle tom and a diversity hire for that entire time. He has the seething rage of a midwit with an inflated opinion of himself, but who is enough of a public figure that he is constantly being mocked and belittled by smarter people.

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he thinks by the time the court reconsiders the 1954 ruling making segregation unconstitutional he'll be already dead

Why are you blaming the court? It is not their job to legislate. Why have the democrats not made abortion legal when they have had control of congress and the White House? They could have passed a law mandating that the states all allow abortions. That is how laws are supposed to be made, not by some ad hoc hand waiving by the court, pretending that the Founders were trying to preserve abortion. The answer is that politicians are cowards and won't make abortion legal the proper way through legislation. Instead they push it through the court because then they don't have to vote on it Your gripe should be with your representatives.

>dude! the founders didn't intend that! states rights! democracy based on land instead of people!
I literally don't care about the constitution or what some dumbass 200 years ago wanted. I don't care about the "process". What matters is creating a better world today, and these dickheads are doing the opposite of that so the hate is justified.

>it's not supposed to be about ad hoc handwaving
>which is why I approve of this ad hoc handwaving to dismiss decades of interpretations of the 14th Amendment

it is true that democrats should pass a law on this
it is also true that democrats literally cannot pass a law on this due to Republican obstruction.
I mean for fuck's sake, Republicans were filibustering normal government proceeedings like court appointments just to be assholes and cause snarls and delays. You REALLY think they're going to let abortion pass? lmao

anyway, since there's an amendment of the Constitution that says all citizens have all rights afforded to all other citizens, and body autonomy is one of those rights, no one ever expect slimy conservatives to attempt to undermine that. Why would you, when it's in the constitution itself?

"happyness" as you call it is a liberal and communist plot.

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>mfw Americans call their judges "Justice" like it's a fucking comic book honorific

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>all caps NIGGER
>"I'm not racist!"
lol the double think would be funny if it wasn't so deeply concering

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