Sex is vagina and penis

When you see a medical doctor your sex is determined by whether or not you have a vagina or a penis, not determined by anything else.

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So people with androgen insensitivity are women?

gender and sex are not the same thing

honestly ime they mostly seem to determine it by which one the government thinks you are

>it's the ''let's use a fringe, medical case as an argument'' again

Trans people are a fringe medical case too dummy

can you explain why this is a bad argument? you also still haven't answered the question

Yes. Counterexamples disprove absolutes

show rigor or shut up

Yes persons with full AIS are females. Pais are female if they have corrective surgery. Some are make if they have a penis.

Where does it say that I said that gender and sex are the same thing? I'm talking about sex, not gender.

okay but this is literally just the same shitty talking point all coping transphobes use

When you think about it, it's no more fringe than a transsexual.
Transsexuals are quite a fringe case in themselves, less common than intersexed kleinfelder syndrome.

I appreciate the candor
So if we agree there, what’s the difference between someone with pais and corrective surgery and a trans woman with bottom surgery?

I'm not intending to make a political statement. I'm saying that for a fact females are identified by having a vagina and male is identified by a penis

It's simple, if they have a vagina they are both female. I would think they'd be a female because of the presence of a vagina

>I'm saying that for a fact females are identified by having a vagina and male is identified by a penis
>Where does it say that I said that gender and sex are the same thing?
pick a side fuckhead

What are you talking about.
I said gender is a different concept than sex.
Sex is determined by a sex organ female or male, vagina or penis

pee is storde in hte balls

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Transsexual or transsexualism a different concepts.
Transgenderism is talking about what is your identity
Transsexualism is about a desire to transex. It pertains to sex and movement and validates when a person wants to change their primary sex organ from one to the other. Once they accomplished this, they're no longer transexual, they're just the sex of choice.

if sex is penis and vagina then why do they call it oral sex and anal sex, dumbass?

Don't do that don't write gibberish on my thread.
you can't be serious don't post!

The word you choose to describe two different functions oral sex is the act of sex from sexual and sex as an identity is just plain sex.

if ur rlly in good faith not saying anything abt gender only sex then u basicly just started a thread to say some ppl have penis other;s vagine so my reply is about as serious as ur threade lole

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I mean you're using the terms male and female without any regard for their more modern defentions paved by decades of trans activism seemingly in a way that is made to harm or to sounds similar to a lot of mainstream uneducated transphobic arguments

It also completes the argument what happens to a person that changes text or has an operation srs.
The desire to have a sex change operation is a desire to be transexual. Transexual is the state of being where you're wanting srs. Once you change sex you're the other sex. You are no longer transsexual or transgendered, so you're no longer trans woman, you're just a woman, or trans man with srs is just a man.
The problem with SRS for men though is it doesn't look as complete so I don't know if they can pass that with a doctor? There's a phenomenological element to this!

I don't understand because you don't illuminate any of your ideas? You do not say what you're talkin about you just say, "I'm talking about the modern stuff". You're not describing with the modern stuff ?

>trans woman with bottom surgery
Chopping your penis off does not a vagina make.

idg why it matters so much what sex you are if its just penis and vaginer
why is gender not the thing that matters

Oh you're wrong near that's exactly what I'm saying if you have a sex change operation it does change the penis into the vagina. It does legally make you a female and medically a female. I don't know about male to female because I'm not up on that procedure?