Not so well know part of the lgbt

Hello, I'm meow, or I mean this is the name I usually use here
I'm a person that uses xenogenders and xeno/neopronouns, things that ppl don't understand or find cringe etc..

So I'm here to respond to all of your questions about xenogenders and neopronouns/xenopronouns

{neo/xenopronouns that I use are:

feel free to ask me anything.

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No one will have questions, people will be mean to you. Please leave.

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That's not a problem, I receive mean things every day so I'm quite used to it lol
dw I'm not a child, like I don't get mad over some ppl that say mean things and shit to me.

1. Why do you identify with those pronouns specifically?

2. How do you present your gender in day-to-day life?

3. Did you feel any semblance of this way before discovering this type of thing on the internet?

4. Do you also identify with labels such as therian or otherkin, or is the cat imagery solely to do with your gender expression?

Sorry if these questions seem in bad faith or anything, I’m genuinely curious and don’t really understand xenogenders, I’ll still use their pronouns and stuff though

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Actual non-mean question:
Is it really the same process?
Did people with xenogenders really feel gender dysphoria because they were born human, and gender envy for their cats, and it wasn't a sexy thing or at least wasn't *just* a sexy thing, it *hurt*, a *lot*, and one day you decided you couldn't bear the suffering any longer and had to transition to mewself, possibly with felinizing hormone therapy (if such a thing even exists(??)), or else you would hate your body forever and never be content with life?
I respect your feelings about yourself no matter the answer, but beware that I suspect many other people here may not, depending.

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i also have a genuine question because i've heard conflicting responses to this b4

is your goal to have these pronouns universally recognized and accepted by the public, or are they just for use between you and your circle and other queers online? i mean this non-judgementally, but do your parents use your neopronouns? would you expect them to? how about a professional environment? if you work with others, do they know you use neopronouns?

i'm very interested in how ppl who use xenogenders interact with our by-and-large cisgender and heterosexual world. doesn't seem worth the effort.

ok so your questions are actually pretty normal lol, so I'll respond them

1 I use this neopronouns/xenopronouns because they actually make me feel comfortable, things like she/he/they or it meh..I don't like them, I don't like having a binary gender, yea.."they" I don't like that too, I prefer zhey.

2 I don't really know how to respond to this question sincerely but there's no special way I present it, but one things for sure I don't dress too femmine or to masculine, I try to go androgynous

3 yes, I actually have felt like this for a very long time, I was very little actually, I discovered xenogender and other stuff only like 2 yrs ago.
I don't really remember how, but in some way I find it? idk I don't remember, but before of that I usually felt so dysphoric because I couldn't find a gender(s) that could fit me, but now I do.

4 no. I'm not a otherkin/therian, usually ppl that are xenogenders are not, some of them are tho, I use things like catgender and other xenogenders under the catgender umbrella because I usually like to incorporate cats in my gender, and plus I have a feline feeling like feeling like a cat, but I don't believe I'm one, I know I'm human.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions I'll answer

Ok so, yea we feel dysphoria too, that's interesting right? so..we are not therians so we don't feel dysphoria about the fact that we don't have a cat body etc.. but we may feel dysphoria for other things

I usually feel dysphoria because I'm not androgynous enough, like I look to femminine and I wish I could look more like a no gender at all, and if you're curious about it, I'll tell you
xenogenders fall under the nonbinary umbrella, so yea

oh and for the hormone thing, yea no we don't do that..???

It's really hard to explain, I hope I did well..


I’ll try to be nice but I have /tttt/ views, why the hell does it matter to choose your pronoun? people won’t see you differently because you say so, you’re asking others to lie to you and I couldn’t live with that. sure, getting the wrong pronouns sucks but it tells you there’s an issue and that you need to work on passing better. similarly, I don’t get why you would want to have so many labels when we could simply get rid of them entirely. we do agree that there should be no stereotypes, being born with a penis shouldn’t mean you have to dress a way and behave a way, just like being born with black hair doesn’t mean you need to base your entire life out of the stereotypes put you up to. this would solve the issues with the disparity between cis males and females but it seems like neither wants them gone.

that makes sense
every dysphoric user/namefig get ehugs

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We usually have reserve prononus, normal ones like he/they/she
I usually use he when I'm in pubblic or with family/friends etc

but we do use our neos/xenopronouns too, I usually use them with close friends, I don't like telling to others or I might get in trouble.

I don't care if this is not universally recognised, I just wish to people to respect us and use or neos too when talking to us or don't bully/harass us.

it's quite sad that we have to hide ourself..but this Is the reality

you're the reason trans acceptance is collapsing and we're all gonna get shot, hope you get tortured to death

saged this retard thread and you all should too

Thank you for answering my questions, you seem like a very openminded and patient person. It’s very interesting that you’ve felt this way for a long time, I haven’t heard anyone identifying with a xenogender talk about dysphoria before now, but I don’t hang around those communities, so it makes sense. Have a good day Meow

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Thanks for the hug, btw I'm happy to respond your questions

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Sincerely we are not the reason, but you're free to think so, I don't really care
but please try at least to have little respect.

can you learn how the unspeakable works? doing the unspeakable doesn’t do anything but not bump the thread when posting but if you do it before page 10 someone else replies to you and bumps, saging is only used to make the op seethe when the thread dies or to avoid a thread from reaching bump limit too fast (generals for example). if you see something you disagree with either bump it to shit getting the other people in the thread to bump it with bait or just let it rot until it reaches page 10 and gets archived. tldr, the rule about not announcing it is to prevent retards like you from making extremely low effort posts that do nothing but lengthen the life of potentially horrible threads.
>completely ignores my questions

It's ok to not get it, I could try to explain it to you if you want
oh and even if after an explanation you don't understand it that's also absolutely ok, the important thing is to respect people like this and their pronouns

Go away troll, we know you aren’t being genuine

I am actually being genuine, I'm not a troll, people like me sadly existing and that's not my problem.