LGBT will defend this

>LGBT will defend this

Attached: dragcover.jpg (1200x675, 548.27K)

I see nothing wrong with this picture

Its a drag queen walking with a couple of kids...

Its not like the guy has his cock out, hes just wearing makeup and a dress. Which part of that is inherently sexual to you?

Is a woman wearing makeup and a dress creepy? Nah. Maybe you just have a crossdressing fetish or smth idk. Kids see women in dainty skirts at football games and all kinds of shit.

No I won't. The end of weimar came about when they tried to normalize pedos. We can theoretically push on forever if we just never get pedos involved and continue hating them.

Take kids to a strip club then

Have you ever been to a strip club user? People strip there. It is inherently sexual, there is actual nudity.

That drag queen isnt even nearly naked. I've seen more revealing cheerleader outfits.

Catholics will defend this.

Attached: 62F2C8A7-26D8-44F5-96AF-2A0469D70464.jpg (720x960, 96.9K)

>Chuds will defend this

Attached: purity-ball.jpg (610x358, 53.58K)

>shirt says Don’t mess with transsexuals
>sign in background says IT AINT GONNA LICK ITSELF
>minors holding hands with a stripper
what is wrong with groomers on this forum?

Attached: stonestoss groomer.jpg (1000x500, 189.79K)

... That isnt a stripper that's a drag queen user.

I've been in the gay community for 8 years and ive never seen a drag queen strip ....

What the fuck I thought stonetoss was cringe


The last two lines of your drivel show your cognitive dissonance.

Is a woman wearing a dress and makeup weird no?

When a man does it why is he doing it? It's sexual for that fag to crossdress and involving children at beast is creepy and trying to normalize their life style and at worst it's pedo shit trying to involve children in you sexual stuff. Straight men don't feel the need to show kids their weird fetishes why do you fags condone drag queens doing it?

it's an edit

Grooming is the job of the parent. It's only a bad thing when it leads to severe mental illness or sexual exploitation. Would you rather the trans population increase or decrease? For the sake of minimizing human suffering, the only answer is decrease.

Gay people are GROOMERS.

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I was taught to handle and shoot guns at small animals around that age. As weird as it may seem some people might find that disturbing!
yeah thats it trannies did weimar jermany, it couldn't possibly be from the horrendous working conditions, terrible economy and growing pressures of global communist revolution

I will defend this: there is nothing wrong with drag queens and straightoids are seething that they never contributed anything towards art whatsoever

At least I don't need to change my opinions :)

I’m convinced at this point it’s just republicans larping as Any Forums casuals to defend this

Attached: 1408D1A8-124D-466C-B120-942F3B7368E7.jpg (1200x674, 122.77K)

read post
you have to be 18 to post here

oh flaunting your ass in a thong isn’t the same as stripping whoops you got me groomer

Sounds like you're projecting user, most drag queens just like makeup and fashion and dancing. Are those fetishes?

Some people crossdress for a fetish, yes. Some people have fetishes for fat people, is being fat around a child perverted?

oh of course the high art of "drag queens", what could the world possibly do without it?

This is grooming

That outfit is similar to what women wear when they do samba. Are samba dancers pedophiles? Should taking a child to see a samba band be illegal?