Any Forums is having a mental breakdown that Hunter is getting a new big role after Euphoria lmao

Any Forums is having a mental breakdown that Hunter is getting a new big role after Euphoria lmao.

Is this a decisive victory for us?

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Who cares

Any Forums lost.

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Holy shit I never would've guessed.

She's playing a male role?

For whom?

I've heard Tigris gets ultra fucked by Snow

Youre right
theyre making her play a man..

Lol didn’t even get cast as a girl

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What the role is tigris, no? That's a girl?

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>for us
It's a win for a passoid, not our hon asses

Tigris is literally a girl...

Attached: Tigris.jpg (274x701, 123.92K)

Yeah, it's a female.

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The role they gave her is called T-Girl? WTF!

Based dyslexic retard.

I misread the screenshot yeah Tigris is a girl the “he” in the article is referring to Coriolanus. I don’t know this shit I’ve never even seen the show.

I'm holed up here until /trek/ settles down. Hopefully today.
Yes, we won.

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>tigris snow
>coriolanus snow
lol at cringe young adult anime names

Is that also a tranny? Or just a cishon?

Those are Roman names

>a leader who has just a dollop of psychopathy to go along with HIS suave demeanor.