/mtfg/ - male to demon general

yesterday's hunt:

Attached: ruby.png (620x420, 339.17K)

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hnngg ruby

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Not normal on hrt

maybe it'll be ok/safe tho. I have had 5-10+ false salarms. My partner is right about that. I have frequent panic attack epsidoes about fear of injury or defornmation but most r ok...



I like them, u shudnt say that/be rude about them

i want you to ask yourself if this sudden change in demeanor was due to your incessant questioning, or the simple passage of time

i just had a flashback to my collarbone fear, upon laying down

Also i keep slightly peeing myself if that matters for diagnosing

*emimem voice*

>a literal pissbaby

your arms look so cute they look like little cigarettes

Are you a hsts shower stomper or an agp toilet goer?

im so hsts ive never gone long enough without getting fucked in the ass to poop in my life

i want you to ask yourself if the sudden change in demeanor you had over your collarbone fear was due to your incessant questioning, or the simple passage of time

ngl lots of people today been ignoring me and its kinda making me mad

with a ball point penommmm

I don't know. I still worry about it, sometimes. I had an x ray at 5 weeks tho?
Also im still worried about the facial hair thing. I dont understand why it happened like it doesnt make sense. The only explanation is the hiigher E dosage...

when you take bath tub estrogen and wonder why ur facial hair is still coming in

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How tall is everyone? :0
Im 5'10

what could have been...

Attached: IMG_20220618_210313.jpg (3280x1840, 1.09M)

You've probably developed an immunity to hrt fren

100 ft

6'3 here, someone try and top that.

and then me.

i genuinely love you like no one else ever has or will


Would really high E raise my T? I guess we'll find out in blood test...

im 6'2. i kneel..

I looked into it, and my dosage is too high. I guess the extra E really did convert to T. I will lower dosage, but im scared it's too late...
Do u think I masculinized permenatly?

do you love me

i gotta find out who killed my dad

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I love clr and her sense of humor