I want to kill myself so bad. I'll never have a penis...

I want to kill myself so bad. I'll never have a penis, I want to repress but it doesn't work and it would be more simple to just kill myself even though I know I can't because I would hurt my dad. I'm never going to be male, nothing feels like it's improving. I'll never be able to just accept my body, I won't be able to cope like these freaks do who can do PIV or something it makes me want to throw up. It's awful. Everything is awful. Even when I was high off my ass I felt awful, I couldn't stop thinking of how female my body was it's horrible. It'll never end and I can't cope I can only ignore it. If it wasn't so female and obvious to my father I'd cut my ankles with my stupid pocket knife or light the blade I wish it would just feel better but nothing does. I can't get out. Every part of my body is fresh hell and I wish it wasn't it was doing so good for a while and it hurts all over again. It won't get better.
Inb4 "Uh your clitoris is a penis!" Kill yourself immediately, you're most likely not even FtM. I want to throw up so bad I wish I could kill myself

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desu u pass as male on presonality, just an autistic one. idk how u look but at least personalitywise ive always seen u as an autistic dude but idk if it helps

just be a tomboy bro

It's not about passing, who fucking cares if I talk like a man, girls do it all the time. Men act like pussy ass girls just as often if not more, it doesn't mean a god damn thing. I'm never going to have a penis my fucking body was tortured by estrogen my chest was fucking ripped to pieces by the time I was fucking 12 nothing matters anymore
I tried I hope you kill yourself

not very nice, I always see your posts and had a good image of you but now you’re changing the mental image I had

Never say never. Medical technology is always accelerating, especially tissue/organ growth and robotic surgeries. You could probably have a top tier Frankenpenis if you wait 12-15 yrs.

Also, there’s a strong chance we all get forced into a partial metaverse existence soon for climate reasons or virus reasons who knows. In the metaverse you’d just be able to use your matrixpenis and you’d be stealth too.

I hope you feel as bad as I do right now I hope you feel the worst possible dysphoria and someone grabs you exactly where everything hurts and tell you to just be cute or to just stop feeling bad
What is the point in saying all of these things wow one day things can magically get better but they aren't and there is no reason to plan for it I"m going fucking insane. You think this is so funny because of le hehe cyborg weiner. If I have to look at myself I will kill myself. I hate this fucking body so much.

unironically look at this vid
science has advanced so fucking far so quickly. especially with the rapid advancement of ai, medical shit is gonna get wild shortly. there's hope brother, hang in there.

OP, I don't know what you're saying but you'll never be a man. Get comfortable in the body that God gave you and stop acting like a little bitch.

you arent missing out on shit. My dick just sits there collecting bacteria and when i need to pee it sprays piss everywhere. I've had more fun with my ass these past few weeks than 10 years of masturbation. Hope this helps

I don't care and it doesn't help, different folks different strokes motherfucker I wish I wasn't so deformed

also this article
they are working on growing organs from plants and shit and your body doesn't even reject it cuz it uses your cells

Damn did that previous thread fuck you up this badly?

I'm really riding on this but I feel like it will never happen
I'm praying anyway I hope to god it works but also bringing it up doesn't make me feel any better because it might not even happen.
I was feeling like this already I don't get sad over Any Forums

It’s not funny, you’re pathetic. Go join the military or something, you lack discipline completely, you act like a spoiled little girl. Maybe you’re dysphoric because you aren’t inhabiting the male mental attitude you claim to represent.

I gave up trying to pass and just learned to be happy with myself and not tell people to kill themselves. Not very nice of you.

it will happen. there's so much money in the organ market. give it like 30 years max and you'll prob have a 12 inch shlong and new skin or some crazy shit. take the sciencepill

>Claim to represent
I don't claim shit
I'm a woman, I have said this throughout the entire thread. I am a woman and god made me a woman and I will never stop being a woman regardless of how I look or how I act. The only escape is suicide and even then my body will still be female and I will not even be able to experience the relief of being outside of my body because ghosts aren't real unfortunately.
Kill yourself anyway dickhead
This sciencepill ain't helping doc
How do I even cope with dysphoria without sleeping it away or hurting myself

Try harder.

want me to link you some high quality packers?

I won't feel it it won't be my nerve endings it'll feel worse because then it's on my groin and I feel what I really am and I hate it. Even when i just grind on something to jerk off i feel so sick and want to cry because it just reminds me of what I am.

channel the hate into a new bench pr

I’m just a passerby concerned about you but I’m disappointed you just want to tell people to kill themselves. You can do better, I think you should take some deep breaths and calm down.

If someone tells me to just be a tomboy I will tell them to kill themselves on the basket weaving forum it is my god given right and they deserve nothing more.
I need to exercise but it makes me feel sick because I can feel my body even more

what’s wrong with that? I gave up trying to be a woman and I’m happy now