Why am I more attracted to guys on the right?

Why am I more attracted to guys on the right?

Attached: Nerd+vs+chad+comparison+test.png (1000x667, 864.51K)

Are you retarded?

Attached: 072D2CED-CA94-4B5C-9996-963B5360860F.png (1188x1432, 420.39K)

Somewhere in between for me.

Same wtf
I think its the matriarchal DNA
Do you happen to have many quirky, intelligent, mental ill female relatives?
Are you a tomboymoder?
You must be autoandrophobic, at the very least.

aw shucks :l

Same here and idk why either. I think I just prefer small nebbish men who remind me of women. Are you also into men with gyno?

Metrosexual pretty boys like Chris on the left tend to be gay and your female brain can detect that.


the perfect guy is somewhere in the middle. guys who are "too perfect" and super masculine like the left kinda whip back into being ugly for me, too much of a good thing

Same, I love normal looking guys.

I think we don't find the dude on the left attractive is because he KNOWS he is hot shit. He probably spends hours doing his hair/outfit/working out to keep his appearance. Guarantee he has no real hobbies except for working out, sex, and bar hopping with the boys. He definitely believes he is an alpha. Just look at that stupid picture, it says alot about his personality and self image.

Meanwhile the dude on the left seems like he would be more in tune with his emotions, will have some fun quirks, and will be capable of a deep bond with his potential mate.

young michael cera was really cute tho you cant change my mind

Attached: cera.gif (500x281, 276.35K)


Tfw warrior skull
T. Troon

Because he looks nice :)
simple as

Hopefuel for me

Fellas is it gay to REALLY check out guys like this?

you're intimidated by attractive men. left you wouldn't have to worry about cheating and you could control him.


Well you are on the gay board...

>you're intimidated by attractive men.
Right is personally more attractive and actually looks like he has a personality.

because right is more mysterious, theres interesting stuff you can learn about him by getting to know him. meanwhile you can tell everything about what left is like based on his appearance

i flinched at this post before remembering this chris is a bit of an outlier to say the least.