Talked to my therapist about experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations

>Talked to my therapist about experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations
How fucked am I /tttt/?

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Based schizo.

psa: if you're a schizo try taking vitamin b12, it won't cure you but it will make you less dumb and it will make the antipsychotics more effective

>want to talk to somone about what I'm sure is BPD
>dont want to admit I have four suicide attempts under my belt and problems with self harm because I still go shooting with my friends a lot and dont want the state to make me get rid of my guns

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and other b vitamins in general.

Reminder that meat, yeast, and human feces are all good sources of vitamin b12.

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how old are u user?

almost 24, why you ask?

It's great you made the first step in the right direction. I do recommend you to try get off of self harm asap. You do not need to be ashamed or feel bad for doing it, but it's not good for you. But I concede that it may not be your highest priority right now.

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Very, but that's not the therapists fault

therapy is funny, i know i need it but because i know i need it i really dont want to go there, too shameful and dangerous IMO

What do I do when I want to hurt myself so badly that it overrides the logical part of my brain saying "No, this isn't something I should do and therefore I'm not going to do it"?

I'm not an expert on this but there are specific treatments for specific urges. For example, PTSD people often self harm as an exit for panic attacks. Those are usually helped by any kind of pain at all, so they are given chili capsules.

It's nice that horny, bisexual modeus will always watch over our mental health

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>chili capsules
I do love spicy food

oh I'm p good about the self harm rn. I havent cut in like probably 6 months, though i almost caved last night. like I said I'm just scared to admit any of that to a doctor, but if I dont bring it up I'm likely to not get a very acvurate diagnosis or anything...

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why? this jannu?

I come here to get off and be wholesome. I deeply relate to her. I also met other modeus posters here. They seemed alright, too.
In that case you may need to crank up the heat to habaneros and the like but it should distract you without harming your body. Never took any myself so I have no idea how many scovilles these pills have. Especially when you're accustomed to heat and don't go out of your way to collapse your circulation or something you will be fine.
I'm glad to hear that. You are being very reasonable, and I know some therapists are shitty and all that (like medical doctors it's sadly not like their education selects for likability), but I am very happy for you you are seeking out help like this. It must be scary, but you're doing great.

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I did too and I'm glad that I did. Don't worry about it.

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You think we can make modeus the god of bisexuals in the forming Any Forums pantheon?

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If I take away any tools to cut myself with I would start hitting myself, so I imagine something pulling against my wrists and stopping them from moving. It's not stupid if it works :D
It's usually just when I'm having really bad insomnia

me in the pic. they let me go in the end tho.
also if you get jacked I don't think you'd need to tell them anything to make it happen they'd pluck you from the street most likely.