
Attached: 1640471973449.webm (608x1080, 1.04M)

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Im black you fucking retard

Attached: IMG_20220614_061141.jpg (1170x1560, 264.5K)


prove it

what is wrong with his chest? it looks so uncanny, like something out of a bethesda gayme

used too many nipple clamps


we'll listen to you vent bro :)


seems like gaygen finally got rid of Joxter. good job you guys. this is a huge win for gaygen

Attached: C585630A-02F2-405A-AB3F-E57ACF11BBDD.png (640x1136, 3.2M)

he just has weird nipple placement
if they were slightly further apart it would be way better

Is that your next victim, gd-chan?

uh oh Gd is gonna kill another cat

I’m going to make kitten pie

I’m not jealous of some macaco
Fascist + Reddit + middle school vice principal

people come in different shapes

>Fascist + middle school vice principal

sounds kinda sexy...

I mean, why not? it's gonna die some time anyway, might as well do something useful with his/her death.

I like to eat kittens

Fetish sites are some of the last remaining bits of web 1.0. I miss it.

>I’m not jealous of some macaco
isn't that kind of racist? :s

Dios mio this thread is starting rough

Attached: DF45B9AF-AE53-47A0-B198-D669A5B8C76E.jpg (897x1024, 176.92K)

enough about that entire debacle

and don't attribute to it either

whos kitten is that

You're surprised that the guy with a racism fetish is racist?

So you're an apologist when it comes to gd? Noted.

Attached: 1655776756550.jpg (993x702, 74.69K)

haha yeah i did a lot UwU

Basically it's the one exception to the three websites I browse today
And still active funnily enough. Like new stories are still posted daily. The quality obviously varies but the fact that new content still gets posted for free is pretty cool.

Attached: C1E4B77B-673B-4472-BB6D-9C029FAA5D4F.jpg (897x1121, 147.69K)

kill me

Attached: xkovylv9eux51-1.jpg (470x589, 42.51K)

Delta is too nice

Idk I picked it up for like a second for the photo and put it down I don’t like to hold animals especially puppies and kittens because they usually have worms and r gross :/

niceness in this place is more often than not overcompensation

are bis turned on by guys who sound like trannies or is it over for me

shiza's nose is too big

don't project your sociopathy on delta

Having him cum hard in me isn't enough. Would it be weird to ask my bf for an intimate blood transfusion?