Am I just dumb or do all hons pass to me, but 0 pooners do?

Am I just dumb or do all hons pass to me, but 0 pooners do?

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pooner memes have been hot lately, so you've been maxxing out your pooner-clocking abilities, but because of that your hon-clocking abilities have gotten really rusty

>go outside
>see afab
'grats you are cured!

>all hons pass to me
I think your brain is just broke, op.

idk sounds like you have online poonerism

so i am just dumb

brainworms really. I bet you clock some cis men as trans

im a twinkhon and i do not pass

It's weird. I'm an mtf trannie and I have this ftm friend. He's been on T for a few years but hasn't had top surgery so he has visible breasts. Also his voice is kinda poony and he's like 5'5 too. He doesn't pass to the vast majority of people, but I can't for the life of me see him as anything other than a man. I think he's kind of a fucking moron most of the time, but I can't bring myself to misgender him even if I wanted to. I don't know what it is about him. I have no issue misgendering any other unpassing troon. Before you ask, yes we have fucked, I took his virginity. We're just friends now though.

A man pretending to be a woman puts accessories and disguises ON. He is masking himself with makeup and jewelery. A woman pretending to be a man is dressing down and taking things OFF, which reveals her natural shape and proportions.

i'm a hon and i literally don't pass to anybody

Attached: hon in body and soul.png (1967x1781, 3.95M)

BDDposting again, are we?

i'm literally not bdd
i literally don't pass

You must not voice train or something because I'm a passoid and I think you're cuter than me.

got clocked even when i had a passing voice
passing has nothing to do with attraction

Fastest way to make the board hate you, Liz did that too

i'm a hon by definition
i look like a fucking cow

Your fake bdd is annoying, if you thought you didn’t pass you wouldn’t be spamming your ass face around

i post myself to get rightfully deprecated, the rest of the internet is somehow even more of a hugbox; to show what a real hon looks like

you pass but you pass like the girl no one is really tryin to fuck if that makes sense

>you pass
i literally don't

nah you look like this beaner I knew named Elena who was a total weirdo in class and no one found attractive but no one was ever like “bro do you think Elena is a man?” that’s you. maybe you are just angle maxing as a form of cope and if you showed a video I could see how bad the situation is but you just look like Elena the beaner to me who was some forgettable girl no one had any sexual interest in and thus a loner and a loser. that is vibe you give off I would think you’re some dumbass huffingtonpost writer with the way you dressed up and the poses you’re making and get major liberal worms just lookin at you. take some pics with guns it’ll do wonders for you and lose some weight