Is boysmell a meme or is it real?

is boysmell a meme or is it real?

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it's super real
smell of boy -> heart go "WOO WOO"

incredibly real & is like crack but the name boysmell is just a boymder meme for phermones

Human males do have a scent yes

how does it smell exactly?

Like sweat and ass. Only agps fetishize this

weren't agps "transbians"?

i thought it was a meme until it hit me at work, had a greentext and everything

it's scary how powerful it is

when a guy is well-kept & his soap scent blends w/ his natural musk of doing day-to-day things. but post-workout or hike nah that's rancid I'd puke

>only agp fetishize this
all transwoman are agp

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they're not asking if "boysmell" exists but rather the meme of boys exuding a distinct odor which causes boymoders in particular to go absolutely crazy like cats in heat

it apparently does. weirded me out (in a good way) at first cuz I thought she was joking but no, she actually likes it. one time we had sex, she had a hands free, and while cuddling with me on my back and her on my chest, the smell of my armpit is too much and she straight up buries her face into it and huffs it while playing with herself and cumming in just a couple minutes. It was kinda hot and towards the end I brushed the side of her face a bit and called her a good girl

I came reading this

Cis girls also do this fyi. I never wear deodorant but sweat very little and I've had cis and trans women bury their heads and huff my pits

it basically just smells like natural, non-stinky/sharp body odor but for some reason it melts some mtf hearts
i'm not even sexually androphilic but fuuuuuck does boysmell get me good

it's real
male pheromones like androstenone, androsterone, androstenedione, etc., which derive from DHT specifically activate the hypothalamus in cis and trans women, gay men, but not straight men

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it's real, i've stuck my nose in my bf's armpit and gotten an erection
i've also masturbated to completion with only his smell

what were your thoughts (if any) while smelling?

no thoughts only horny

hey don't call me a faggot, only my bf can do that

It is and so is girl smell. Source: am bislut

what does girlsmell even smell like
do mtfs have it? like I know as an mtf i don't smell like a guy anymore but i have no idea what i smell like

>what does girlsmell even smell like
>do mtfs have it?
if their levels are good for long enough